
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Strange Prep Day.

Our Location today is Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

A person could really get used to this lifestyle just doing things at your own pace. Hey what am I talking about we’re already doing that. Yeah! We took our time getting up this morning. I had already finished my morning reading before Kathy started stirring in the bedroom. Once breakfast was finished I didn’t wait for the daytime heat to start building before getting outside to start closing things up. Unfortunately our day would not go as we had planned. 

The first thing on my list was to flush the black tanks but for some reason the water was going into the tanks through the flusher but barely coming out. Shutting the flush and tank valve I had to add our removable gate valve and back-flushing attachment. I had to alternate between the normal flushing and the back-flushing repeating the process until finally whatever was causing the problem gushed out until the water ran clear. I had to repeat the process on the rear tank as well but by the time I was packing up the hoses even the tank sensors showed the tanks as being empty.

I also managed to stow the sewage hoses, remount the bicycle carrier and rehang our stepladder before Kathy called me in for lunch. Today she made certain that she cleaned up the last of the leftovers from the fridge but the way she served them you’d never have known it.

After lunch Kathy came outside to give me a hand to load the bicycles on the carrier. Because the carrier only holds two bicycles and we purchased the Tandem Bike this winter I have to strap the tandem wheels to the bumper. Also because of the position of our shore power cord I can only strap the one wheel until we unplug the power cord. Once we get home I’ll make some modifications to the trailer so we can easier mount the bikes more securely. 

Since we are expecting rain in the Fort Lauderdale area tonight I covered the bicycles before going inside the trailer to cool down. Today the temperature only hit 82 F (28 C) but the Weather Network showed that it felt more like 97 F (36 C). While I was cooling down I packed away our office printer and stocked up our pill daucets.

For supper I grilled a couple of hamburgers that Kathy added cheese to inside the trailer to go with the salad she had made. After cleaning the dishes we had intended to have one last walk around the park before we leave in the morning but ended up talking with our neighbors for nearly an hour. Jeff and Carol are from Dieppe New Brunswick. They are only in their 40’s with no children, still have fulltime jobs, are only here for three weeks and they also have an Avalanche fifth wheel trailer.

It was like a marathon learning about one another and Kathy and I being able to give them tips that have taken us time to learn. They pulled in on Saturday so either we weren’t here or they were exploring so this was our first time we had to really talk. Tomorrow morning they plan on being on the road by 6:30 in the morning and we’re planning on being on the road by 9:30. We still might see them again as they are also heading up to Daytona Beach but just a different campground. 

After we said our good nights and safe travels I finished prepping the truck to hook up in the morning. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Did you hear what happened when the ghosts went on strike?

A skeleton staff took over.


  1. Always fun packing up and heading out to new places, enjoy.

  2. Paul started closing up things yesterday for our trek back to Ohio. Safe travels.
