
Friday, April 24, 2015

Cleaning Up By Cooking.

Our Location today is Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA.

Last night the temperature in Wapakoneta Ohio dropped down to 27 F (-3 C). We were using our electric cube heaters to keep warm early in the evening but it just wasn’t enough! Yes we had to turn the furnace on. We kept it set at 55 F (13 C) but yet it fired up a couple of times throughout the night even with the heaters running constantly. The good part of it being so cold was that we didn’t feel guilty about sleeping in this morning. 

The trees are starting to bud here.
Once we’d finished eating breakfast and passed some time reading on the computers we knew we had to buckle down and accomplish things we needed to do before we cross the international border tomorrow. 
Robin foraging for food.
Mother Robin on her nest.
While I went outside Kathy busied herself cooking foods that left uncooked would not be allowed into Canada. We have similar problems when we enter the US. It seems to be a political game of Cat and Mouse and RVers get stuck in the crossfire. 
A neighbor's cats waiting for dinner. They are not on leashes.
I busied myself emptying all the firewood from the truck and splitting it in preparation for our last campfire on this trip. I also had a chance to clean out the backseat of the truck by getting things put back in the basement of the trailer. 

Kathy had finished her cooking before making lunch. It felt relaxing to be sitting inside where it was warmer. 

After lunch Kathy pulled out the vacuum in an attempt to get the last of the dust we collected in the Keys out of the trailer. I returned outside and reorganizing the basement and got things put back in their appropriate bins. 

By 2:30 I started the campfire and Kathy came out with a couple of cups of hot chocolate. The temperature rose all the way up to 57 F (14 C) with little wind so we were fairly comfortable enjoying the fire and watching nature. It was fun watching a couple of outdoor pet cats as well as a few birds. 

Around 3:30 the wood had burned down enough to embers that we put the grill over the pit and put some chicken breasts on to cook. Since Kathy had already cooked potato salad for a side for tonight’s meal she was able to sit and watch while the chicken cook. Anyone can cook chicken in a frying pan but it always tastes better on a grill. If you want really great tasting chicken grill it over an open fire. It can’t be beat! The only problem we had was people that were walking by kept trying to invite themselves for supper. 

Supper was delicious and the temperature much more bearable than the last few days. Tomorrow we’ll be taking out time to leave on our final leg of the trip home. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Clearing your throat is an on-going project.


  1. A pretty nice day, but am surprised that you did not go to the Bicycle Museum of America just down the road in New Bremmen, a really amazing place.

  2. I didn't know you could not take left overs in or out of the country. What a strange law.

    Safe travels across the border.

  3. Food cooked on an open fire, so tasty. We are still a little further south in North Carolina slowly making our way north. It is strange after being warm, most of the winter, now having to wear jackets.
