
Sunday, January 18, 2015

A New Experience.

Our Location today is Moore Haven, Florida, U.S.A.

We are truly getting used to this laid back feeling we are acquiring being in this warmer climate we are presently sitting in but there’s always a catch. When you got to go you’ve got to go. Not that way! Get serious when the laundry basket starts to fill it’s time to go to the laundromat. As soon as we’d finished breakfast this morning and changed our clothes I started sorting the laundry while Kathy quickly checked what was happening in Cyber-land.

We find it much more convenient travelling to Clewiston where their washers hold twice the load that the ones in the park do. Their dryers can also dry four times the amount of clothes than the ones in the park and everything is dry not damp in half the time. Since we knew I wouldn’t finish on time for lunch Kathy stayed with me and sat in the truck reading, doing puzzles and Snapping until I was done. I’d been previously warned of how busy this place would be on a weekend and it was not exaggerated. The area is home to many migrant workers and their families. The workers are busy in the fields from sun up to sun down six days a week so Sunday is family day even if it means just doing the laundry and shopping as a family. Listening to Spanish speaking people talking all around you was a dizzying experience.

It was past 12:30 by the time I’d finished folding all the clothes so we headed to Wendy’s for a change of taste and their Frosties that we like so much. Just like the McDonalds across the street the steady flow of travelers and local customers never slowed.

With our energy replenished we drove to the nearby Ace Hardware Store where I had been advised to go from an associate at the Home Depot to look for parts I needed for a special project I am trying to do. The folks at Ace in turn told me the opposite to try Home Depot. I guess I’ll have to come up with plan D.

We stopped at the Walmart where we looked around and found the solar lamps that we couldn’t find at Big Lots because they still had Christmas articles on their shelves. We also took the time to walk around the store for some walking exercise. I actually stopped to look for a new pair of running shoes. I found that if you took a shoe size 10 or larger all their shoes came in wide sizes only so the shoes stayed on the shelf. We didn’t need many groceries but we did top up our pantry.

We had to immediately open all the windows and vents to cool the trailer even though the temperature was only 75 F (24 C) outside. While Kathy put away the groceries I put away the majority of the folded laundry. I then started up the Weber Q where I grilled a couple of nice Sirloin steaks while Kathy made a great tasting macaroni and cheese dish for our supper. 

Now that the sun has set we’ve had to shut all the windows and vents and turn on the cube heater. The air is very damp and with the north wind we’ll be getting tonight the temperature will drop to 46 F (8 C) but will feel colder. When it blows out of the north it is a very cold wind even though we are in Florida it makes you grab for your jacket and long pants. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You're never home on rent day.