
Monday, December 22, 2014

Visiting And Packing.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Again I was wide awake and out of bed reading the morning blogs and E-mails before 6:00 this morning. By not laying in bed after waking nor taking a Snap (short-nap) during the day when I feel tired I am now able to sleep soundly during the night. The big advantage to becoming used to the shorter hours of sleep will come in handy when we leave in 3 days to head south. I also started checking the Weather Bug forecasts for all the states that we will be traveling through on our way to Florida. Once we cross the International Border into the U.S.A. our intention is to drive about a hundred miles before bedding down for the night. The reason for the night time crossing is to hopefully avoid the three hour wait at U.S. immigrations like we had last year in the morning. 
Arriving at the Ambassador Bridge on December 27, 2013.
Kathy joined me in the kitchen just before 8:00 for breakfast and to watch the Weather Channel giving us different reports for our area for the next week. We did the morning dishes as soon as we finished eating. Kathy then headed to do her morning reading while I went for my morning shower. 
Our first stop this year will be at Yellow Jacket RV Park. 
Shortly after 9:00 the repair shop called telling us what the problem was with the car’s braking system. They told us it would be ready this afternoon which was great for us since we had a luncheon date. Shortly after 11:00 we drove the two miles over to the Michigan Diner on Manning Road to meet my aunt Anna and uncle Bob who are visiting from London, Ontario for Christmas. They had just pulled in ahead of us which was still ahead of our appointed meeting time. Because we were there for lunch we couldn’t order off the seniors menu which meant there was way too much food on everyone’s plates. We took turns eating and conversing but still sat talking for a good half hour after we’d finished eating our meals. We all went back to our apartment where we spent more time talking about many different things. 
My uncle Bob and aunt Anna
Just after we’d said our good-byes and they had left to go to their daughter’s home the repair shop called saying the car was ready for pick up. We didn’t waste any time getting out the door and driving the ten minutes to the shop. The paper work was ready and we had the bill settled within five minutes but with the heavy traffic on Walker road it took us nearly ten minutes just to get out of their driveway. Kathy said it felt good driving her car again. I got back to the apartment before Kathy so I busied myself cleaning the back seat of the truck. 
Murphy dressed for the holidays.
After the 6 o’clock News we busied ourselves packing things we won’t be needing until this weekend when we arrive in Florida. Tomorrow we’ve more Christmas visits to make plus more packing. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

Manners makes the Man.


  1. Sounds like another busy day for sure, but always nice to have the anticipation of upcoming travel. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and safe and enjoyable travels!

  2. Tom and I would like to wish you both a Merry Christmas and safe travels as you head for Florida. I was catching up on my reading of blogs and noticed you welcomed us as blog readers. We have followed you for about a year now as we were getting ready for our first year of travels and have enjoyed your blogs. We knew it would be a learning experience and reading other travel blogs has given us some ideas as to what to expect. Thank you. We do have a blog we just started it is:

  3. Ready, set and soon go.
    We will not drive at night time, but have never have more than a one hour wait at the border. That's when we make our lunch and reading while in line.

  4. Ugh! 3 hour wait? Hope it goes faster for you this year.
