
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Training, Corresponding and Enjoying.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Changing one’s sleeping habits takes quite a bit of time to develop but can become a useful tool for different reasons. Years ago when we were working the routine was developed for a person being able to cope with the day in day out routine of a job or working shift work as I often had to do. That same routine can also come back to haunt you as well as it can and does disrupt the ability to sleep when you actually should be sleeping. 

Since retirement both Kathy and I have experienced the roller coaster ride that affected our sleep thus making it important to catch up by often causing us to sleep in late. For the last month I have been attempting to lengthen my days by simply getting out of bed once I have become fully awake thus making it so that when I go to bed I sleep fairly soundly. 

By being able to sleep soundly when we were working helped us to be more efficient at our jobs. Today I am hoping to use this restful way of sleeping as a way to help us on long travel days. This year we’ll be keeping a close eye on the weather just as we did the last two years. If the weather co-operates and my restful sleeping theory works out we could be moving our departure time forward in order to avoid the chaos that has greeted us when we cross the International border the last few years. 

Again I was wide awake by 5:30 so I had all my reading completed as well as getting things ready to make breakfast before Kathy woke up just after 7:30 this morning. The Weather Channel confirmed that we would still be exposed to mid-winter weather for the last few weeks of fall. 

Back to the computers while Kathy was doing her morning reading I was busy researching our night–time stopovers when we leave here for Florida in 23 days. For the last couple of days I have been corresponding with Jay in Arizona. He and his family have the same Avalanche 340tg trailer and we have been exchanging tips on cold weather RVing as well as ideas for improvements in our units. 

After having lunch we needed to run a few errands. Our first stop was at the gas station to top off the car especially since we haven’t seen gas prices this low in three and a half years. Our second stop was at the Credit Union where we did our usual beginning of the month banking. Since we haven’t been out walking much lately we went across the street to walk around Walmart. We trekked back and forth around the store until we ended up in the grocery section. That is where we ran into another of my past coworkers Karl and his wife. When he told Kathy that he was 81 years young she couldn’t believe it. Having been retired for sixteen years he is looking and feeling great. 

We kept supper light trying desperately to cut back on our eating in preparation of going south. Once we’d watched the 6 o’clock news we again got caught up in another Christmas Special that we hadn’t seen. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

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