
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cleaning, Errands, More Problems and Visiting.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

By the time we finished watching the news last night we were both more than ready to get to bed. I managed to sleep until nearly 7:00 this morning but I wasn’t about to waste my time. Instead I got dressed and busied myself sorting the laundry. Surprisingly there were a couple other early risers with the same idea in mind when I got to the laundry room. I returned to the apartment and got the curtains opened and things ready to make breakfast. Kathy needs more sleep than I do so when she is really tired she will sleep in. I had returned to the laundry room and had all the clothes in the dryers before going back upstairs. 

At that time Kathy was just starting to stir so I just started making breakfast. She was a little shocked when I told her that the clothes were already in the dryers. I even had time to do my morning reading before going back downstairs to fold the clothes. It was only 10:30 by the time I returned with all the folded clothes to put away. 

Once everything was put away I had to go outside and reorganize the back of the truck. When I came back inside Kathy had just finished vacuuming the living room so everything is now clean in the apartment for this weekend. 

We were just finishing lunch when the phone rang. Mary from Healthy Heals was running ahead of her schedule and was asking if it was okay to come early. Of course was the answer. Mary arrived ten minutes later and worked on Kathy’s feet for the next forty minutes. Due to Kathy having Diabetes these treatments are done in our home and we are reimbursed by our health care coverage. 

Once Mary had left Kathy finished filling in her form before we headed out to drop it off at the Green Shield offices which are just a mile away from us. Kathy also wanted to get the car cleaned before we bring it to our son’s home in Amherstburg for safe keeping while we are away this winter. Imagine our surprise when we spotted a sign saying they were closed today. We spent the next hour trying to find a Car Wash that was open and affordable. 

We were nearly home when we realized that in our search to get the car cleaned we’d forgotten to stop at a Florist. So we drove two blocks past our building where Flowers by Phil is located. Kathy had to do it alone because at that time of day there was no place to park. The flowers will be delivered tomorrow to the Families First Funeral home for Bill’s brother Alex who passed away yesterday. 

Right after we’d finished supper we headed for Amherstburg for our weekly visit with Kevin and Melissa. The big difference was we were supposed to drive in separate vehicles as Kathy was going to leave her car there while we’re away this winter. For one reason or another the truck would not start. There was no power in the batteries and even after trying to boost it using the car battery it was just too weak to start. We ended up leaving the truck home and just taking the car. Our visit was cheerful as usual with lots of laughter thrown in for good measure. The kids were really anxious because Christmas is only a week from today. 

Since there has been a big change of plans there are plenty of other things that we now have to do that will fill the void like finding out if a computer has faltered or we need to replace the truck batteries. Better now than when we’re on the road. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a goat.

And how long has this been going on?

Oh, ever since I was a kid.

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