
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Adjustments and Changes.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Yesterday Kathy had mentioned to me that the power must have gone off because the clocks on the microwave and oven were flashing. Later in the evening when I had just written the blog I noticed that the electronic clock in the office was not set to the proper time. It automatically resets when the power goes out but it was manufactured before the extra four weeks of Daylight Savings Time was added on so I simply adjusted it. After watching the municipal election results on the news we went to bed without even giving it a second thought. 

I slept well only waking around 6:30 in the morning according to our bedroom clock and since I couldn’t fall back to sleep I just got up. I started opening the drapes and blinds in the other rooms only to see darkness so it really made me feel that it wasn’t quite 7:00 in the morning yet. Suddenly I was looking at the wall clock in the livingroom that showed it was passed 7:45 but it was still dark outside. Checking the rest of the clocks they all said the same time except the one in our bedroom because it was another of those automatic clocks. 

Kathy finally got up just before 9:00 feeling much more refreshed than she had in the last few days. When she looked outside while having breakfast she thought that it was still the middle of the night. Just then the wind increased and the rain started coming down on an angle making the use of an umbrella totally useless. The forecasted high temperature for today was not reached and the temperatures for the rest of the week are slowly getting colder. 

Since I had already finished my E-mail and blog reading before Kathy woke up I started sorting the laundry while Kathy went to her computer. When I went down to the laundry room I was able to get the machines I needed when I needed them with no problems. Kathy in the meantime was making final arrangements on the phone for a slight change in our travel plans for this coming winter. Of course when you change one thing you have to change another plan and another. She’s got it under control even though it was giving her a headache. 

For lunch we ate the last of the Greek Macaroni Salad that she had made to bring to the Halloween party. For supper Kathy made a great Caesars salad that she served with some of the leftover chicken that I grilled for last night’s supper. Our fridge is starting to look bare. 

The rain finally stopped as we were watching the 6 o’clock News but the wind is still blowing. Hopefully Kathy will continue to have restful sleeps for the coming days because tomorrow we have places to go and things to do. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Will work because I have to.



  1. I am not looking forward to this weekend when we have to turn the clocks back. I hate looking out the window at 5:00 pm and seeing night...yuck.

  2. morning sunshine sooner is better, but going to need to BBQ supper earlier that later after the time change.
