
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wash, Style and Rinse.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

As the humidity started to climb as well as the high pollen count last night Kathy’s breathing became more difficult so the simplest way to fix that was to turn the Air Conditioner back on for the next few days. Kathy woke up feeling much better this morning. Even as we sat at the computers doing our morning reading the air was much easier for her to breath. 

Shortly after 10:00 we were on our way across town to Fantastic Sam’s for haircuts. Once you can get a stylist to cut your hair the way you like traveling that short a distance is very much worth it. We even make a joke about hiding Jenna in our closet because we have yet to find anyone to cut our hair properly in Florida. 

Back at the apartment for lunch we enjoyed the Salmon/Pasta that Kathy had made while in her cooking mood yesterday. As we ate the Weather Channel was telling us to expect severe storms for our area shortly after lunch. As soon as lunch was finished I grabbed a few things that I’ll need tomorrow to go put in the truck before the rain actually started. By the time I got out the door the rain had already started and I was fairly damp by the time I got back inside. 

I started sorting the dirty laundry since I wouldn’t be able to work on my projects on the balcony because of the rain. Surprisingly I had the entire laundry room to myself and had no problem to get our washing done. During the time I was folding the clothes the intensity of the rain dramatically increased. Once I was back in the apartment Kathy and I were glued to the Weather Channel as they spoke of a tornado in Ohio and tornado warnings in Michigan all of which were heading in our direction. 

For supper we had more of the Pizza Soup and homemade bread that Kathy made yesterday while we continued to watch the television as well as the heavy rain outside. When the 6 o’clock News finally came on they were reporting a rainfall of three and a half inches of rain that had already fallen just since lunchtime which is unheard of for our area of Essex County. There was definitely no pollen floating in the air now. 

Tomorrow will be an early day of which I hope to almost scratch another of the chores off my to-do list before we head south this winter in 107 days. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Catbert (to Pointy-Haired Boss): We can keep our payroll expenses low by giving employees bad reviews. Use this list of employee defects so you don't repeat yourself. It's less obvious this way.

Pointy-Haired Boss (to Dilbert): Awkward, bumbling, cowardly, dumb,

Dilbert: My faults are suspiciously alphabetical.

Scott Adams, Dilbert

1 comment:

  1. I wish we were independently wealthy. I would fly my hair dresser any where we were visiting just to do my hair. I just can't figure why they can't cut my hair either.
