
Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Squeaky Wheels.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Talk about being frustrated. I thought that I’d surprise everyone and post the blog early tonight but it was not to be. As I handed Kathy my laptop to proof read the post on my computer did an emergency shutdown for what reason I have no idea. When it finally rebooted the entire page was blank causing me to rewrite the whole post. I guarantee it won’t be the same as I wrote before. 

Last fall you might recall that we had a problem with Yellow Jackets getting into our apartment through the exhaust vents. Not just the vent for the bathroom but the kitchen vent as well. By the time we had our first freeze I had already killed over eighty of the insects and our neighbors Grant and Sandy killed over a hundred and fifty. We put in a complaint with the building management that we would not tolerate a repeat of the same thing this year.

This past week we have had contractors replacing all the exterior vents in the entire building that could be safely reached on the balconies. Unfortunately if you have an end apartment the vents are nowhere near the balconies. This morning while Kathy and I were having breakfast we started hearing a commotion in the parking lot. As it turned out the contractors had brought in an Aerial lifting device. For the next two hours they replaced the vents one by one as they cleaned out nests from inside the bulkheads. Their progress came to a sudden halt when the sounds of distant thunder started getting closer. They had no sooner closed up when the rain started pouring. 
Workers changing the vent above our apartment.
Some of the nests that they removed from the vents.
After lunch the rain had stopped so I went to the Post Office to mail a lens attachment for the camera back. It just didn’t do the job it was advertised to do. 
Some of the nests on the ground.
Back at the apartment Kathy and I packed a suitcase with clothes that we’ll be needing for the long weekend. Traveling in the trailer so much this feels very strange to be packing this way. 
Look at the size of that Zucchini.
For supper I grilled a couple of pork-chops and the second Zucchini that Melissa had given to us on the Weber. The last time I did that it was cold and windy then it started to rain so the Zucchinis didn’t quite turn out right. Kathy made a great noodle side dish to go with it. Today I was able to take my time and everything tasted wonderful and there were no leftovers. 

Tomorrow we have a four hour drive so we’ll try to get an early start. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Psychiatry students were in an Emotional Extremes class. The professor asked. "What's the opposite of joy?" "Sadness," one student replied. "The opposite of depression?" he asked another student. "Elation," came the reply. "The opposite of woe?" the professor asked a young woman from Texas. The Texan replied. "Sir, I believe that would be giddy-up."


  1. Better the nest in your apartment than your RV. Then you'd be the one cleaning them out! :cO
