
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Where’d the Time Go?

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

With all the heat we had yesterday sleeping last night was not a problem. We both managed to sleep until just after 8:00 this morning. After eating breakfast and watching the Weather Channel we both settled in at the computers for close to an hour before we had to leave. 

First we stopped at the trailer where Kathy wanted to do something inside while she had the time and I measured the Red plastic toolbox that I carry in the basement. Kathy accomplished what she needed and the toolbox was the perfect size to be repurposed. 

We arrived at Fantastic Sam’s a little early for our appointment but Jen had just finished her last customer and she was able to take us right away. We were both starting to feel a little wooly as our hair was starting to have a natural curl because of its length. Since Jen has done our hair so often and we maintain simple easy to care-for styles she had us both finished in less than a half hour. 

Now we drove around the block to the west end Walmart. When we had shopped at the east end location yesterday they didn’t have enough clear plastic storage bins of the size that I needed well today I hit the jackpot because they had enough bins for all the storage I plan on doing. We also picked up a slightly larger plastic toolbox for the trailer to replace the red one that was being repurposed. The last thing we did was go through the grocery section for a few things to see us through the weekend. 
With a tarp on the floor and plastic on the furniture there's a lot of sorting going on.
Since it was now past noon hour we stopped at Taco Bell where using a coupon we both had lunch for only ten dollars before heading back to the apartment. 

Back in our living room I transferred the tools from the smaller Red toolbox to the slightly larger box. Through the course of the afternoon I added many more tools that were located in other containers thus making this larger container well worthwhile because now all the tools were together. The Red toolbox was repurposed to hold our Emergency Warning Triangles we carry. Since Red indicates stop or danger that is why I wanted that color for that purpose. We actually carry two sets of Triangles so now they are all in the same box. 

Even though things are starting to take shape I was disappointed that I didn’t have more completed before it was time to grill a couple of sausages for supper. As soon as we finished the dishes we left to go visit our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa in Amherstburg for our weekly Wednesday evening visit. 

It felt like we had been gone for months even though we’d only been gone two weeks but there was still a lot of catching up to do and as usual we all had our share of laughter for the evening. I also got a chance to take pictures of Matthew with his soccer trophies that he got the other evening. That was quite an accomplishment for Matthew because this was the first time he had ever taken any interest in any kind of sports.   

Tomorrow I needed to find some parts to fix the windshield washer jets on the truck. They are made of plastic and tonight when I went to use it found that they had broken off where they connect. I also have work I need to do in the trailer while the temperatures remain cooler for the next couple of days. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

A bully is always a coward.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Matthew. He is quite the soccer player. Both our girls played through high school so I ca appreciate all the time he puts into the game.
