
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Long Day, Slow Progress.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Kathy and I were both up before 7:00 this morning so that we could be at our son Kevin’s by 9:00. Because it was supposed to be raining this morning I had loaded most of the materials that I’d need last night. It also helped that it was only a light drizzle when we left but we didn’t let that slow us down.

Avoiding the construction zones and the morning rush hour traffic we made good time. We even lucked out by not being stopped by any School Buses and were in Amherstburg shortly after 8:30. We needed to make a couple of stops before going to Kevin’s. First we had to buy some Gorilla Glue at Canadian Tire. Next we stopped at Subway where we bought BLT subs for lunch. Kathy kept her’s mild while we had Kevin’s and my sandwich loaded with hot peppers, Jalapeno peppers and special hot sauce.

We arrived at Kevin’s at 9:03 where he was leaving to bring Cameron who was running late to school. Kathy took her computer inside the house where besides checking our Verizon account she went back to doing more research for our return trip home next April. 

By the time that I had all the materials in the garage and the table saw set up by the overhead door Kevin was back from his errand and I started filling him in on my game plan. We were going to make the new storage drawer and breadbox for the trailer that I had attempted to make while we were away this past winter. The reason I could not finish it then was because the wood panels were so dried out they just started splintering and was making such a mess of the job that I would have been ashamed to admit having made it. 

Using the miter saw first we cut the materials to the finished lengths required. With that done I started mortising, daddoing and beveling the wood to give it some appeal. The rain came down hard enough at that point to move us back from the open door but we continued working.

It was amazing that it was soon noon hour and Kathy was calling us in for lunch. Kevin’s face broke into a big smile when he felt the heat from his sandwich as we ate lunch because he likes his food like I do spicy hot. We enjoyed some conversation and talked of how the work was coming. Kathy told me that Verizon had finally credited our payment to our account but had not given us the rebate they had promised. 

Back in the garage we had to start cutting the wood panels to fit into the new framing that I had just shaped. Some of the daddoing had to be cleaned out by hand using a wood chisel. As we started fitting things together we had to play with clamps to flex the wood from warpage. It wasn’t until we were fitting the door panel to the breadbox that we found it to be too large. By then our grandson Cameron was home from school. He has extremely sensitive hearing and the sound of the table saw would be more than he could take. Since it was nearing supper Kathy called to order a king-sized pizza while Kevin and I cleaned up the garage for the day. Since we have appointments tomorrow we’ll return again on Friday. 

Our daughter-in-law Melissa got home from work just as Kevin got home with the pizza. It didn’t take long for grandsons Cameron and Matthew to dive in for supper. The rest of us enjoyed our meal until we were comfortable. Since it was Wednesday we didn’t even move from the table and carried on with our weekly visit. Melissa said she had actually seen us heading for Amherstburg this morning while she was driving in the opposite direction going to work. As usual we had an enjoyable visit that was filled with many bouts of laughter.

It was past 9:00 before we got home and tomorrow is another busy day. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

Variety is the spice of life.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see a Dad and his son working on a project, together. :)
