
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Running Around.

Our Location today is Goshen, Indiana.

With the rain continuing to fall throughout the night we definitely had no problem sleeping until this morning the only problem was we needed to run both the cube heaters all night. Since the temperature dipped down to 40 F with all the moisture in the air we were wondering if I’d have to dig out the snow shovel to get to the seminars. 
Paparazzi documenting the Escapade.
Kathy wasn’t feeling as bad as yesterday but still not ready to go back out into the dampness so she headed back to bed while I headed out the door in the rain. Riding my bicycle towards the exit from the racetrack parking area I passed by a Diesel Pusher A Class Motorhome that was bogged down in the infield deep enough that you couldn’t see underneath and they were calling Coach Net to come and pull them out. 
More door prizes being given away.
The rain that was hitting me in the face did so with stinging force and had me considering turning around. When I reached the buildings where the seminars where being held I was able to park my bike along with another six under a livestock building cover. 
Last minute announcements before the show. 
The first course dealt with exposure to radiation that we may experience throughout our travels and was presented by a Nuclear Engineer that is now a Full Time RVer. 
Chris Guld
During the break from the first to the second seminar I walked over to the vendor’s area to talk with Tom Long about future purchases of LED lighting and reporting back that we were very happy with the few lamps that we did invest in. 
Jim Guld
The next course was presented by Chris and Jim Guld from Geeks on Tour talking of using Google maps for different applications. Now even though I had placed a map on a page in our blog I had been unable to update it with our recent travels. In their opening statements they answered my question by explaining that Google has modified it numerous times in the last year. So when I do find time to update the maps I’ll let you know in a post. 
During our second break I went to the fairground office to extend our stay past the rally dates. Kathy and I had talked about it this morning and figured it would give her more healing time as well as giving the sun time to dry the bog that had been created by all the rain in our area. 
First year the show has had a Drummer.
The last course of the day was about Full Time RVing and was presented by someone unknown to me. He did have a few helpful hints on a few subjects but most of what he mentioned we already knew. 
The blur in the picture is someone swaying side to side as I shot pictures.
These are Husband and Wife team.
On the return ride on my bicycle to the trailer there were a couple of dump trucks spreading gravel down in the Racetrack parking area in an attempt to fill in ruts that had been made by other vehicles. 
Unaccompanied Soloist.
Our lunch again was Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup and the last two Cinnamon Rolls that I purchased from the Amish women yesterday. Kathy had only just gotten out of bed minutes before my return. During lunch we talked of getting a couple of useful accessories for our new GPS. 
Comedy Musical
Back to the vendor’s area on my bike in the rain. It took a few minutes to order those parts since they had been sold out before we even bought our machine. By paying for them up front they will be delivered to our apartment in Tecumseh Ontario. 
Standup Comedy.
I ran into Ron and his wife Happy who are presently here with friends but don’t have an RV yet. They were uncertain about how practical slides are on a RV with Happy being in favor and Ron being against. I gave them all the pros and cons that I could think of but told them just to keep looking and they would feel good when they had found the right RV. 
Master of Ceremonies Mark Nemeth.
I talked with Nick and Terry Russell for a bit at their booth before wishing them safe travels and we’ll see them down the road someday. 
Singing Ghost Riders.
Back to the trailer more gravel had been spread making it nearly impossible to ride through. As soon as Kathy saw the receipt she pointed out that I’d forgotten to give them our apartment number. Another bike ride to the Vendor’s area. Three minutes to get that straightened around. 

This time there was so much gravel spread out it bogged my bicycle down and I had to finish my trip by walking back to the trailer. 
Comedy rendition.
We headed into Goshen so we could pay our outstanding Verizon bill and we stopped at Steak and Shake for a quick supper. Back at the trailer the rain has finally stopped and the sun made a few appearances which helped to start drying up some of the water. 
Pregnant Opera singer received Standing Ovation. 
With the little bit of fresh air Kathy had this afternoon she decided we would attend the "Ham-O-Rama" down at the general assembly building. This takes place at every Escapade where people from all walks share their hidden talents on stage with the rest of the group. We had everything from musical acts, standup comedy, Operatic singing from a very pregnant mother of six soon to be seven and unaccompanied songs. The best part was seeing Kathy laughing which the experts say is the best medicine. 

I’m getting tired just explaining everything I did today. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your belt buckle is bigger than your head.


  1. yeah it has really been nasty today,we only stuck our heads out long enough to go to wal-mart to pick up a power suppl;y for sam's computer. cannot imagine riding in that cold misty rain all the way from the infield to the marketplace

  2. Sounds like a great rally. So sorry the weather is so bad.

  3. Sorry you're having such crummy weather, but that's the midwest in the spring! I was surprised to see that the Escapade was scheduled so early in the year in that area . . . I hope Kathy is fully recovered soon, and that you don't come down with the bug next!

  4. I would think it's worth it to stay a few more days till it all dries up... rather than risk huge towing bills or worse, twisted frames from being yanked out of the mud!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard
