
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Setting up Home Sweet Home.

Our Location today is Moore Haven, Florida.

After a busy travel day and immediately getting into the social end of this park by the time Kathy got to bed her eyes were blood shot from the lack of sleep over the last two nights while on the road. She managed to sleep a little later this morning and awoke feeling much more refreshed than yesterday. I still couldn’t sleep past 6:00 so I was finishing my morning reading on the computer when she finally got up for breakfast.
The weather forecast for today was on and off rain for most of the day but I needed to finish setting up our outside comforts to make our stay more enjoyable. By 9:30 the temperature was already at 95 F (35 C) with 93% humidity. I managed to get the bicycles unloaded and the Weber Q set up waiting for the next time to use it. I then set up the outdoor mat and Gazebo all before the skies opened up dumping nearly an inch of rain in the next hour.
Chicken and fruit salad to make up for all those big meals we have.
Since it was nearly noon hour Kathy thought it was a great time to have lunch. The wind picked up for a time after the rain stopped and by 1:00 you’d have never known that it had rained.
Our neighbor's trailer getting naturally washed.
Kathy needed my computer to do some banking because there is no printer driver available for her Windows 8.1 computer. I found a problem with the way the Tripod was pushing against the storage skirt and had to reset it before working on my next chore.
If you recall we purchased two additional AGM batteries for the trailer. Since the trailer was being worked on at Ard’s the only place to store them was in the back seat of the truck. With all the humidity we had today installing those two batteries was quite the chore and by the time I had them in place I was too worn out to wire them in.
Tomorrow we have errands to run so we can get ready for some special events that are taking place on the weekend but the weather is finally starting to look better for our area.. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


The World's Great Proverbs

Little leaks sink the ship.


  1. Glad to see you made it to your next stop safely. Hope you enjoy this park as much as the last one. Keep that sun shining!!

  2. Enjoy the Glades, say hi to Rick and Elaine for us and, if you play golf with Rick, Arch says to tell him he has to count all his swings.
