
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Long Busy Day.

Our Location today is Crystal River, Florida.

As we mentioned in last night’s blog post today was going to be a busy day but we also mentioned we finally got our Verizon MiFi fixed as well and it was supposed to kick in at midnight last night. You see where this is going don’t you?
On the road before Sunrise.
Since we knew the alarm was set for 6:00 this morning Kathy and I both spent the night sleeping on and off looking at the clock and finally falling into a deep sleep minutes before it was time to get up. That happens the same way whenever we have a travel day. Our plan was to be on the road by 7:00 so while we ate breakfast we listened to the Weather Network telling us of foggy patches in the area. Because we were running a bit ahead of schedule I wanted to check if the MiFi was working the way it was supposed to. When it finally showed up on the internet access list no matter what I did it would not accept the password. We didn’t have time to play with it at that hour.
Still patchy fog.
By 6:57 the truck was rolling down Rock Crusher Road in the night time darkness. We spent the next two hours driving to Lakeland, Florida to attend the Snowbird Extravaganza which occurs yearly with constantly changing entertainers. The doors to the Lakeland Center opened at 9:05 and Snowbirds of various ages and home locations began to fill the Auditorium.
Chris Bradbury MC
Bob Slack (President of Canadian Snowbird Association)
After being welcomed by Chris Bradbury the MC we also heard from Bob Slack the president of The Canadian Snowbird Association and one of the sponsors before we were entertained by a number of Canadian Artists. The opening act was Bowser and Blue who not only were great musicians but great comedians as well. Liona Boyd played great instrumental music on the guitar. Big named star Michelle Wright had nearly everyone singing along as she sang many of her top hits throughout her career. Finally John McDermott put everyone to ease with his east coast style of song and music.
Bowser and Blue
Liona Boyd
Michelle Wright
John McDermott (Don Cherry wanted to buy his jacket)
It was now after noon and six hours since we’d eaten and due to Kathy’s Diabetes it was time to find something to eat. No matter where you looked it was all the same quick sports type foods hotdogs, hamburgers, French fries, potato chips and a variety of cold drinks that were at least double the price they should have been. We sat in the Jenkins Arena where we had a chance to sit to enjoy our food as well as being entertained by Walter Ostanek and his band.
Walter Ostanek and his band.
Jenkins Area entertainment and eating area.
After eating we wandered through the Sikes Hall where many vendors and tourist boards from the different states that Snowbirds tend to flock to, were well represented trying to entice more people to help bolster the economies of their states. There were other singers to entertain everyone but Kathy and I normally avoid anything that requires us from getting up early in the morning so we were starting to get tired. There was however a special guest Walter Gretzky the father of Wayne Gretzky was there signing autographs. The line-up for that alone stretched nearly out the door. By 2:00 we opted to head back to the trailer which was another two hour drive.
As soon as we were home the first thing I did was try the MiFi and my computer continued to not be able to connect. Kathy’s would connect but she still was not able to access our account. Packing her computer and the Hotspot we were back on the road to Inverness.
Canadian War Veterans
We had told James we were going away today and he was really surprised to see us walk in again. The reason my computer wouldn’t connect was because Kathy had to go online to register it after midnight. (That’s not what he told us yesterday.) Kathy couldn’t get in to register it because he had to change our Postal (Zip) Code to the one of the store and our username. (Something else he forgot to tell us.) After the 4th visits to a Verizon store with his guidance the entire process was completed in ten minutes. It was now nearly 6:00 so we stopped at Wendy’s and had their Baja Salad for supper.
Walter Gretzky signing autographs.
Back at the trailer the first thing we checked was the Mifi and guess what it’s finally working the way it’s supposed to. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


A frog telephones a clairvoyant for help with his love life and she tells he is going to meet a beautiful young girl who'll want to know everything about him.

The frog asks, "Where will I meet her?"

The clairvoyant replies, "Next semester in her biology class."

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