
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meeting, Appointment and Wrong Impressions

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario.

I slept like a log last night but I was still wide awake by 7:00 this morning. Since I didn’t want to wake Kathy because she’s still fighting a cold I just got as much of breakfast ready without serving it before I went to read E-mails and the morning blogs. She was awake by 8:00 and while we enjoyed our breakfast we cringed at the temperatures being shown for our area on the Weather Channel. The daytime high temps with the wind chill would stay around -2 F (-20 C) but it would be sunny. 

I had a retirees meeting at the local which spoke of challenges that the Canadian Government is creating for our own Veterans as well as other local issues. After the meeting I was speaking to Marcel whom I had worked with years ago. He told me how last December a doctor at a local hospital had diagnosed him with stomach cancer even going to the point of telling him this in front of his wife. Luckily he was sent to another doctor who repeated the same test and gave him a clean bill of health they say the other doctor should have consulted another doctor before telling him the prognosis. Strangely it was that same cancer that our friend Ernie did have.   
Our Friend Ernie.

Kathy’s foot care nurse came to the apartment while I was gone making certain that Kathy won’t have problems while we are away. Connie warned Kathy to be certain that she didn't get any infections in her toe nails while we are away.  

When I got back to the apartment Kathy was in a panic over some of the comments left about yesterday’s post. It seems that I gave the impression that we only travel with cash which is incorrect as it would be extremely foolish. Our Credit Union pays higher rate of interest on our savings but their debit cards don’t work for us when traveling in the US. How we fix that is by taking monies we plan on using in our travels to a Canadian Bank that has debit cards that do work in the US.   

I then spent part of the afternoon notifying our credit card company that we would be traveling and where we’d be using our card. There is nothing worse than travelling and you can’t use your card. Next I called to suspend our phone services for the time that we’ll be gone in order to save money for future travels. 

As we watched the 6 o’clock News they showed a forecast that will change the landscape to white in our area for the weekend but the early part of next week the temperatures should be getting back to normal for this time of year. With only two weeks before we leave on our next adventure we are really starting to get things ready. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.        


What's vicious, Victorian and lives at the bottom of the sea?

Jack the Kipper.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a good thing you don't carry all that cash. We just use our cards and can always access cash whenever we might need it, which is very seldom.
