
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Back to EST and Great Hockey.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario.

Like most I was busy going around changing the clocks back an hour before I went to bed. After watching the 11 o’clock News Kathy decided she didn’t want to wake up too early and decided to watch some show ???? until she just couldn’t stay awake any longer (thirty minutes later than normal). The problem was that I was wide awake by then. After tucking her in bed (yes I do that) I went to shower and shave. The reason I normally take morning showers is because a shower invigorates me. So I went back to my computer to read anyone that posts after we normally go to sleep and finally went to bed around 2:00 DST. 
Sun rising above the clouds the first time in days.
When I could no longer sleep I started opening drapes and blinds in the other rooms at 7:00 EST. After sleeping six hours I was totally refreshed but Kathy just couldn’t wake herself until nearly 9:00 EST. Working together we enjoyed bacon and eggs for breakfast. 

Now we had time to spend on the computers reading all the blogs that had posted since we had last read them. Once that was finished Kathy once again started researching hockey rules and penalties??? Kathy has suddenly decided to learn more about a game that she only knew was putting a puck in the other team’s net. Why this sudden interest I think it is because of our grandson Tyler’s love of the game that he is so good at.

By 11:30 we were heading to the Tecumseh Arena for no other reason but to watch Tyler play hockey. Today because of a scheduling problem Tyler’s team was like the odd man out. To remedy the problem they basically had a practice game against a mixed team of senior kids from three different teams who wanted extra practice time. That gave Tyler’s team a chance to play against a higher skill level which helped them to get ideas of improving themselves. 

Since it was well past lunchtime when the game wrapped up Kathy and I went over to A&W where we used a coupon so we could have our meal at a discounted price. The rest of the day was spent working on the computers and reading blogs. Tomorrow I’ll be calling to find out what kind of progress has been made on our trailer. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.        


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your grandmother knows how to correctly execute the "sleeper hold."


  1. Watching kids play hockey is so much more fun than watching the professionals. Our two youngest Grands play hockey and love it. We don't get to watch very often as they live in Alberta. So enjoy your Grandson while you are close enough to attend. I envy you!! Enjoy :)

  2. Watch out!!!! Watching hockey can become addictive and before you know it you know the names and stats of all the Toronto Maple Leafs, and you now subscribe to Leaf' TV. Now you know my life! (Lol....). Our Son played from age 5 to 20, and I hardly missed a game. Loved watching him play... Had to take him to the Sudbury Hospital one night with a broken collar bone, but he lived, and healed to play again.

  3. We have spent so many years hanging out in arenas watching my son play hockey, two daughters in figure skating and now 4 grandsons playing hockey. If we stayed in Ontario, I am sure we would be living in those arenas all winter.
    Enjoy those games and watch him progress.
