
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Recovery Day

Our Location today is London, Ontario.

In yesterday’s post I failed to mention that we had an early morning phone call around 8:30 from our granddaughter Kylla. She had worked late the night before and had slept in. Even though school doesn’t start until after Labor Day here in Canada Kylla has a special program that she will be attending at her school, she had a special orientation she was supposed to attend yesterday morning. Since she doesn’t have a driver’s license and car at this time the first thing she did was to call us at the apartment since we live close enough to help her make it on time. Imagine her shock when Kathy told her we were in London and not at home. Her response was that she had called the apartment not our cell phones. If we would have been home we would have taken her no problem and we hope she made it on time.

Having the Turbo Hub with us when travelling in Canada will stop us from missing important calls and we have no problems with internet. We are learning all about it and trying to perfect our use of it.

Yesterday we had also visited with my sister Anna even though we were still feeling punkie from the day before. Even last night neither of us were feeling too hot and managed to be up and down most of the night really affecting our quality of sleep.

This morning we were supposed to be getting back on the road in hopes of having a visit with fellow RV bloggers. The predicted rain came down in torrents while we were having breakfast and I was barely able to eat a single toast. The decision was made that we’d stay another day and hopefully be better recovered by tomorrow.

I lay back on the bed only to be awaken by Kathy checking how I was doing. She had already gone to the office to register us for one more night while I was sleeping but I never heard a sound. We had Chicken noodle soup for lunch. After dressing and making the bed I lay back down to be awakened again by Kathy as it was suppertime.

We didn’t feel like cooking so we went over to the Husky truck stop down the road from the campground. Kathy had a light meal while I had a breakfast omelet but it seems that the worst is over. We were both feeling better after eating and it looks like we’ll be back on the road tomorrow. 

This is the first time I’ve been on the computer today so I’m really going to have a lot of reading to catch up on. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.          


What sits on the beach and cackles?

A sand witch.