
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stormy Day and Clear Evening.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario.

When I posted the picture of the full moon surrounded by the clouds from Sunday night I added the caption that maybe it was the full moon that was really responsible for our not sleeping properly that night instead of the caffeine from Kylla’s birthday cake. The reason I did that was because many medical studies have proven that people especially males have a difficult time sleeping when there is a full moon. Last night when we were returning from a late errand we noted a cloudless sky but again with a full moon. Do you see where this is leading? Neither Kathy nor I had a restful sleep again last night and we couldn’t blame it on the caffeine.
Last night's full moon.
This morning we were both wide awake before 8:00 and were looking out at clear blue skies while we enjoyed our breakfast. By 8:30 the sky started to darken making you think that the sun was about to set. Before 9:00 the rain started coming down with the intensity of a late fall storm making everything very water soaked. With the distant sounds of thunder the rain continued until after lunch. 

We worked together to finish wrapping a few more of the remaining Christmas Gifts before deciding to make a break for it this afternoon during one of the breaks in the rain and headed out to do some store walking. We stopped at a few of the smaller ones that we haven’t been to this year and managed to scratch off a couple more Christmas Gifts off of our list. With only 154 days before the big day we have only finished three quarters of our shopping. 

Back at the apartment on time for supper and the skies were beginning to clear and the temperatures starting to drop it looked to be the perfect time to fire up the Weber Q to grill a few hot dogs. The rest of the evening was comfortable and as the full moon rose again it made us wonder how well we would sleep tonight. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Resume Blunders Dirt. 
The resume was intentionally smeared with mud.
I don't recall what the intent was.
I immediately threw it away.

Patrick Scullin, founding partner and executive director for Ames Scullin O'Haire Inc.,


  1. Joe and I sat outside before calling it a night, enjoying the very bright full moon.

  2. Christmas gifts bought and wrapped before August?? You guys are good.
    Nice to be able to blame sleepless nights on the full moon, I'm going to use that one.
