
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The World of Electronics.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

It seems that when we changed our CPAP masks yesterday we basically were guaranteeing ourselves a better night of sleep. After waking up only once through the entire night we were wide awake before 8:00 this morning. We enjoyed our morning coffee and toast while we watched the Weather Channel and were happy to see that we can expect seasonal temperatures from here until this coming fall. 
Scarlet Ibis
Once we started reading our E-mail and blogs on our computers we were able to catch up on a few other bits of news also posted on the web. Kathy was busy sorting through more files that she is paring down while I went back to cleaning out my computer.  
Royal Startling
At lunch we watched the news and then once again turned on the Weather Channel. We had both returned to what we were both doing earlier when just after 1:30 we received a call that someone we were expecting to come over wouldn’t be able to come until tomorrow.  
Ringed Turtle Dove
We were expecting to go to our son Kevin’s tonight for our weekly visit so we had planned on going to the Mall to look for a carry bag when we are travelling with the trailer before heading out there. It was too early so Kathy turned on the television to use up some time. Having watched the Weather channel twice already in one day it should have worked just fine but instead a message filled the screen that read our Cable connection was not working. I immediately tried the second set in the bedroom only to be greeted by the same message. 
Silver Cheeked Hornbill

I spent the better part of the next hour with our Satellite provider getting both the televisions working the way they should. They said we had done something wrong or we weren’t following their instructions until I finally got a manager on the phone and told him the only thing we had done was turn it on and off. He ended up having to reset our system from where-ever his location was. The wonders of electronics leave much to be desired at times.  
On our way out the door Kathy went to get the mail while I went to get the car. When we are expecting calls we transfer incoming house calls to my cell phone so just as I’m about to reach the car it starts ringing. It was our son Kevin calling. He hasn’t been feeling good the last few days and hasn’t been sleeping either. He had just returned from the doctors and needed to sleep so we pushed our visit until tomorrow night.   
After arriving at the Devonshire Mall it only took about ten minutes to find the size of travel bag we needed at Bentley’s. Another stop we made was at the Bell outlet where we purchase a Turbo Hub. This unit plugs into the electrical system and the computers and phones plug into it and when we travel in Canada we can take it with us in the trailer. This should eliminate our problems of poor Wifi connections in Canada. The fact that we purchased it also allows us to suspend it when we head south in the winter. We then stopped off at the Source to pick up a cordless phone network to replace our old fashioned phones we have at home. 
Heading home we stopped to gas up the car. It was not driven much while we were away and with the week it spent in the transmission shop. Looking at our records tonight the last time I put gas in the car was January 4th the day before we headed south. We made another stop at Subway for supper tonight where we used another gift card to pay for our meal. 
Tomorrow we’re busy with Doctor’s appointments and I have to finish installing our new Internet system. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

The Bird pictures were all taken
in a Tropical Bird Aviary from
around the world. I don't have the
names for all of them but did take
the pictures. 

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Experts say that once you file something,

there's a 98 percent chance you'll never look at it again.


  1. I loved the bird photos! Thank you.

  2. Beautiful birds! There is so much beauty in nature and it is often right in front of us. I am concerned about all the kids growing up on gadgets. Will they loose the sense for real nature and rather prefer a digital world were all can be managed with an Ap?

  3. Enjoyed the bird photos and I would be interested in hearing more about your WIFI once you get it set up. I'm sure we we'll be looking at something like that next year when we go full time. Thanks Curt

  4. Love those bird photos. Birds are interesting to watch.
