
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Touring Historic Savannah

Our Location today is Savannah, Georgia.

After darkness fell last night the birds in the lake fell silent and then came the sounds of the bull frogs which also felt so natural making us think back to our tent camping days. The temperature dipped close to the 50F (10C) so we just closed the windows but didn’t need the heat on.
Kathy unfortunately had another restless night partly due to the fact that we had the alarm clock set. Last night before the park office closed we signed up to take the Old Town Trolley Tour into historic Savannah. We were both awake before the alarm went off and were at the office with ten minutes to spare and started meeting other snowbirds from Illinois and London, Ontario.
At exactly 9:00 Eric our driver from the trolley company pulled in to the driveway. After confirming everyone’s reservations and explaining where he would meet us in the afternoon we were off to pick up a few more people at a motel up the road.
By 10:00 we had arrived in downtown Historic Savannah and Eric was once again explaining when he’d be picking us up. We now had to cross the street for the city drivers to take over and start educating everyone on the history of Savannah going back all to the  Colonial days under British rule in the early 1700’s. The guides spoke of the importance of Savannah during the war of independence as well as during the civil war.
Throughout the tour the trolley would come to stops where you could get off and explore some of the sites or visit the museums and once you were through with that you simply waited at the same stop for another trolley to come along to resume your tour.
Paula Deen's first restaurant
What intrigued us the most was the preservation of the historic buildings and regulating construction of newer buildings to fall into the outer design of the buildings in the immediate area. In the old warehouse and factory district the buildings were not just simply torn down to make way for modern construction but the outsides of the buildings were preserved and the insides retro-fitted to accommodate restaurants and touristy shops.  
Kathy and I chose to get off and explore the River Street district for two reasons. This was the oldest commercial area of the city and it had quite a large number of restaurants we could have lunch at without breaking the bank. We chose a place called Spanky’s simply by reading the outdoor menu. Inside the building had kept that old world charm with only updates to meet health and fire codes. The food was delicious and the prices reasonable.
The entire River Street is paved with Ballast Stones. Drive on those and you'll never complain about potholes again.
Once we had eaten we walked along the River Street district to peek into a few shops and to look at more monuments. Kathy needed to sit to cool down and it wasn’t long before she was joined by a couple of women from Maine who were amazed on how we were traveling and found it interesting.
Having rested we got back on the next trolley that completed the tour but since we were way too early to catch our ride back to camp we continued another complete lap around Savannah. It is amazing how you pick up information you missed the first time round and yet the different drivers were giving you the same spiel almost word for word. If we were to spend more time in the area it would take at least a month to see everything up close and personal in Savannah alone.

The bottom two pictures there are no roofs on these buildings as they are being Retro-Fitted.
Once Kathy and I were back at the Savannah South K.O.A. in Richmond Hills we were too tired too cook supper so we drove down the road to Taco Bell for a light meal. Just as we were sitting down another couple we recognized from today’s tour came in with the same idea of a light meal.
As we were leaving they noted the truck and started asking us about RVing. Kathy and I were more than eager to share this information with Pastor Harold Joplin and his wife Carolyn from North Carolina. Being that they have to travel often to visit their family they were curious of the benefits of staying at campgrounds compared to staying in Hotels.
Feeling totally excited and exhausted about our day we thought we’d relax at the computers. Again the curiosity of watching our fine feathered neighbors has made it difficult to accomplish this task but we’re loving it. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Resume Blunders: I once received a resume with a partial coffee cup ring stain on it. I believe I used the resume as a coaster.

Patrick Scullin, founding partner and executive director for Ames Scullin O'Haire Inc.,


  1. I love Savannah! Your pictures bring back fond memories!

    Aren't the homes just magnificent? I hope the flowers were blooming too.

  2. Great pictures! We loved the River District, too, but wish we had heard about the Trolley Tour when we were there back in November!
