
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Exploring Wapakoneta and Happy Hour

Our Location today is Wapakoneta, Ohio.

After driving over 400 miles in the last two days we needed a rest and when we shut the lights and closed our eyes the next thing we knew it was morning. The temperature was into the lower 40’s by the time we got up and without the wind we had faced for the last couple of days it almost felt warm. As we sat having breakfast we watched rig after rig pulling out heading out until the park was practically empty. 
In yesterday’s post I mentioned how we’ve stopped at the Wapakoneta K.O.A. a number of times during past travels in the U.S. but we never had a chance to really look around. Today we left the park and drove around town enjoying the site of a well established community that shows pride in its past but is starting to show signs of progress on the outer edges of town. Kathy and I only recalled seeing one traffic light in town. The rest of the intersections were controlled by stop signs.
George and Suzie Yates from Our Awesome Travels had stopped here a few weeks ago and recommended some things to look at. After checking things out we made note to return in the future to really check things out when we have more time and the temperatures are warmer.
We stopped for a bite for lunch at a local restaurant before driving down the road past our camp just to check out the location of other campgrounds nearby. We managed to see some deer feeding in a field but when I backed up so we could get a picture the backup beeper on the truck scared them away.
Arriving back at our trailer we noted the park was starting to fill back up. Kathy had a few things to do in the trailer while I tended to a few things outside. Since we are not allowed to bring firewood across the border into Canada we planned on having a fire that we would eventually cook our supper on. After cleaning out the back of the truck and starting the fire I suggested to Kathy since it was 3:45 that I invite other campers that I saw outside to join us at the campfire for a happy hour get together.
The breeze that was absent this morning had returned making it feel much cooler. Out of three couples invited Ken and Diane Sharman from Sarnia, Ontario were the first to come over enjoying the warmth of the fire that was burning nicely. They have been here since last Monday when they developed a mechanical problem with their truck. The parts are being shipped from California and should arrive tomorrow meaning that they hope to leave for home on Tuesday. A short time later another couple from McGregor, Ontario showed up but just stayed a few minutes because they were dressed for warmer climates.
Kathy wasn't impressed with the power lines over this campground.
Entrance to this place is somebodies driveway.
Around 5:30 Ken and Diane said their see you down the road good byes and we exchanged E-mail addresses. I then loaded the last of the wood on the fire letting it burn down so I could start cooking our steaks over the open fire. Barbecuing is nice but cooking over an open fire just gives meat that natural smokiness that just makes it taste that much better.
Sirloin Steak cooked over an open fire, green beans and potato salad
We didn’t finish eating until after 7:00 so while I closed things up outside Kathy did the dishes inside. We turned the furnace back on because it’s cooling down again and we are yawning our heads off from all the fresh air we had this afternoon. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble sleeping tonight. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Pam: “I am actually looking forward to Take Your Daughter to Work day. I am not great with kids, but I want to get better. Because I'm getting married. So I put out a bunch of extra candy on my desk so the kids will come talk to me. Like the witch in Hansel and Gretel.”

The Office


  1. Wapa. is a nice area to hang out and visit.
    With a few inside things to enjoy in the cooler weather. Have fun while you are there.
    Happy hours are especially nice last minute get togethers too.

  2. I love a good campgfire and sitting outside in the fresh air always poops me out too. I actually love the smell of the campfire in my clothes and in my hair. Such a nice outside kind of smell.
