
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Day For Helping.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

This morning I was back in routine getting up and reading blogs by 7:30 after having a very restful night. Kathy slept later due to the fact that she got up in the middle of the night and thinking she was still in the trailer walked square into the wall. After suddenly waking up like that she spent the next few hours trying to get back to sleep. 
Once breakfast was over I had my morning shower and shave before heading out to Canadian Blood Services (formerly known as the Red Cross until a tainted blood scandal tightened regulations). I was going to make my 82 donation of the gift of life. I had considered doing it while we were in Florida but Kathy thought that would cause problems back home so I didn’t. When I mentioned that at the clinic this morning they said it was perfectly acceptable as long as I waited 56 days between donations and that many other Canadian Snowbirds also donated south of the border. 
Kathy had stayed home to work on her bookkeeping so just as I was arriving home at noon she was just starting to get lunch ready when I walked in. Like I’ve said before talk about timing, she is good. When lunch was finished we planned to drive out to SX-Video in the town of Essex to bring my laptop in but just as we were about to leave the Fire Department was showing up. Since we left in January there have been a lot of new tenants that have moved in and many have younger children. Today’s emergency turned out to be a pulled alarm station. 
Fire Department at our building today.
I mentioned yesterday that the laptop suddenly wouldn’t let me work on the blog yesterday. When I fired it up at the shop to show Cory the problem he instantly recognized it as Spyware that was jamming it from working but with all their shelves full of computers before me he said they wouldn’t get to it until Monday afternoon. Kathy had gone next door to the No-Frills grocery store for some supplies while I had brought the computer in.   
Attaching pole to bottom of wooden bird feeder.

Karen adding bird food into feeders.
Heading back to Tecumseh we decided to stop in and visit our daughter Karen since we hadn’t seen them since they came to visit us in St. Petersburg. Karen has been working twelve hour days at the University of Windsor so she was trying to get caught up on her chores at home today. At Christmas Kathy and I had given her a few bird-feeders, bird food and a mounting pole because we knew she was interested in them. Since it is just starting to look like spring in our area she asked me if I could help her put it together and put it outside. Their yard has a large berm near the back so we mounted it up there so she can see it from her kitchen window. 

Someone else that was really anxious to see us was Sanford. He has really grown since we have been gone and has become much more active. A neighbor brought her dog Roxie over and the two dogs nearly tore up the yard playing. 
Putting our bicycles back on the balcony

Two small Beef pies mashed sweat potato and Asian salad.
Back at the apartment after putting away the groceries I finally moved our bicycles back onto the balcony giving us back our dining room. We’d had to empty our balcony before we left because of the contractors refurbishing our balcony while we were gone. As I did that Kathy was replanting one of her plants into a larger container since it seemed to grow while we were away and no longer fit its original flower pot. It was supper time by then and Kathy made a simple but healthy supper in an effort of helping us to lose the extra weight we both found while we were down south. 
We had a couple of visitors drop in to use our balcony while we watched the evening News. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How do you stop an elephant from charging?

Take away his credit cards.

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