
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Relaxing Day

Our Location today is Bushnell, Florida.

After a restless nights sleep before our travel and set up day yesterday Kathy was fast asleep by 10:30. Myself I went back out and read the late night blogs that had been posted while I was in the shower. When I noticed we were now on weekend time I tried laying down and staring at the ceiling before finally falling asleep an hour later. We must have been tired because we both slept until nearly 8:00 this morning.
After breakfast we needed to make a grocery store run so Kathy looked up the nearest store and set the address in the GPS. Would you believe it took us back to I-75 north for five miles to the town of Bushnell. The real surprise was when we started to drive by a Walmart that had not been listed when Kathy had first researched the area for grocery stores. It was another ten miles to a Wynn Dixie so it was an easy choice to pull in here for a time and travel savings. It didn’t take too long to get what we needed and we were back on the road returning to the trailer.
Does that sound like we were in a rush? Yes we were because when we pulled into the park yesterday they informed us that the park was having a fish fry for lunch today and we were invited. The park supplied fish, onion rings and French fries while everyone else brought along something else to go with it.
There were plenty of volunteers to help making certain everyone including the volunteers managed to eat a filling meal. We managed to talk with people from northern Michigan and Minnesota all glad to have missed the winter that was hitting their home states. We even spoke to a local resident that was telling us of the best nearby fishing holes as well as attractions that we could see free of charge. Just as most people were about to leave they announced that they would be having a meal of Venison for anyone still here in mid April. Unfortunately we’ll be on our way back home by then.
Plenty of seating inside or outside.
Still feeling tired from yesterday Kathy thought about sitting under the awning and reading another of her books. I needed to make more computer entries but didn’t feel like staying inside so I brought my laptop and data outside sharing the cool breeze with Kathy. There were even a few showers while we were out there but we stayed totally dry.
This is yesterdays picture but we stayed dry in there today.
As supper time approached Kathy had me grill the last of the Johnsonville Brats. Since she was cleaning out the fridge she sliced a tomato, cleaned up the last of our Sauerkraut and the last two Éclairs from yesterday for a satisfying supper.  
With the forecast for gusty winds we closed the awning for tonight so we don’t have to worry about wind damage. If the wind is blowing the way it is being predicted we’ll definitely be finding an adventure that will be keeping us busy tomorrow. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why did the atoms cross the road?

It was time to split.


  1. Guess you're not having the torrential downpour that is occurring here in Georgia?

  2. Oh I love fish fries. Can smell it now :) Be happy you are getting rain and not the big snow storm hitting us tomorrow. 6-10 inches of snow. Good thing we have things almost done outside to leave on Sat.

  3. Sounds pretty good there cold and rainy here in Arkanas for a bit.
