
Monday, March 11, 2013

Family Visiting Day

Our Location today is Largo, Florida.

Yesterday after finishing our first day of Daylight Savings Time we needed to rest up and we slept until 8:30 this morning. We were planning for a larger lunch today so we had a light breakfast of toast and coffee before doing our morning read at the computers.
Strange Things happening in our trailer at night.
Once we were dressed and our chores were completed we left in the truck because we had a long five minute drive up the road to the Golden Corral (remember the light breakfast).  Now the ten minute wait began as we watched for a vehicle that would be carrying our daughter and her family. Her old Mini Van had been causing her a lot of age related problems lately so they traded it in without telling us what the new vehicle was.
They didn't think they'd burn that quickly.
Finally the wait was over and here came a Ford Edge with Ontario license plates coming to park next to us. After tearful hugs & kisses from the Kylla and Karen and hugs and handshakes from Tyler and Greg they were showing us their battle wounds. They had spent most of yesterday at the beach outside the Florida resort they are staying at and were nearly blistered from head to foot with sunburn.
Kathy, Tyler and Kylla.
Greg and Karen both sporting bad sunburns.
Inside the restaurant we all enjoyed the conversation catching up on what has been happening back home and what they did yesterday. We had a chance to be more in depth of what we’ve been doing and where we’ll be going before we head home in April.
Greg on our bed
Kylla so feverish from the sunburn she was cold.
Tyler on the back couch.
After a filling but not gluttonous lunch the decision was made they’d follow us the three minutes back to our trailer. Greg was feeling ill from his sunburn and the kids weren’t that far behind him. It ended up Greg took a nap on our bed, Kylla slept on the living room couch and Tyler on the rear bedroom couch.
Karen's feet are blistered on top.
Kathy having a Snap.
We visited with Karen outside in the shade of our awning where the cool breeze was refreshing. Finally she was feeling as bad as the rest of the family and needed to crash. At that point Kathy even thought a Snap (short nap) was in order.
A day use area.
Karen's new car behind our trailer.
I went exploring with the camera and double checked the route I would need to follow on Friday pulling the trailer out of the park. The only route that we’ll be able to take brings us back through most of the park as the narrow streets and the acute angle of some of the turns would make it impossible for us to make.
One of at least eight turtles we counted.
Shortly after I returned to the trailer everyone was starting to stir so I showed Tyler the birds and turtles in the park pond. Suddenly as if not to be outdone there were hawks flying all over our area because of the increased wind.
Soon the kids had to leave figuring another good nights sleep and lots of lotion on their sunburns might help them feel better. With the promise that we’d be over to visit them on Thursday after lunch to say our goodbyes they headed off.
Our new mattress coming home.
Kathy and I have both started experiencing sleep problems and similar to the apartment thought the problem could be our Mattress and Pillows because RV Manufactures don’t always use the best mattresses in their trailers. We had priced them at the Tampa RV Show and the prices were astronomical. This evening we stopped down the road at Mattress Firm and explained what we were looking for. Not only did they have what we wanted but the price was very reasonable and we tied it on the back of the truck to take it home with us.
It was getting close to 7:00 and surprisingly we were both starting to feel hungry. We basically drove out of one driveway into the next where we went back to Chick-fil-A for supper. That place could get as habit forming as Steak N’ Shake
New Mattress and hopefully a better night's sleep.
Driving through the trailer park anyone that was outside their trailers were straining their necks to see what we had on the truck. Let them keep guessing all we know is that we’ll be sleeping better tonight. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


When is a car not a car?

When it turns into a garage.


  1. so sorry to hear of the family sunburns...if only they could find some aloe.....good luck with the new mattress....:)

  2. So glad your family had a change of weather in sunny FL. Bet their friends won't have a tan!

    Sweet dreams on your new mattress.....ZZzZzZzZzZz!

  3. OH MYYYYY those sunburns look SOOOOO painful!

    Karen and Steve
    RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  4. Oh, I remember those spring break sunburns! Painful! Glad you got to spend some time with them, though, and we like their new car!! Golden Corral is Bryce's other favorite restaurant -- especially the cotton candy and chocolate fountain! I glad we were able to introduce you to another addiction!!

  5. The family did a serious job of soaking up the Florida sunshine. Probably will be a couple of days before they start feeling better.

  6. Ouch, Tracy and I both burned on our Honeymoon 30 years ago, no fun for sure! Hope they heal fast.

  7. vinegar is really good for sunburns...spray it on before a cool shower and it seems to take the burn out....we use it every spring as we have an above ground pool and it seems you dont realize that your getting as much sun exposure as you really are.... Safe Travels

  8. Too bad about the sunburns, not a lot of fun for sure.
    We got a new mattress for our rig 3 years ago, very reasonable and have slept great since then.

  9. Have to be careful of those sunburns. They can be very serious.
