
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Slow Easy Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

To all our American readers and fellow RVers we hope that you all had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your families. 
Mount Rushmore
After having a fairly restful night I still managed to wake up much earlier than necessary. Kathy and I had not planned on doing anything or going anywhere special so there was no reason for getting up that early. After enjoying our breakfast and reading E-mails and blogs we moved to the living room in order to watch the Macy’s Christmas Parade. As usual it was fantastic with lots of energy in the participants and work by many to make it all come together.
Rock City, Tennessee.
Since I looked at the weather forecast for our area on the computer this afternoon I went out to the parking lot to top off the fluids in the car and truck and to be certain the snowbrushes were in the back seats as it looks like we could be using them soon. After doing what I could outside I walked around to pick up our mail before coming back to the apartment.
Rock City, Tennessee.
Since I had been working to set up the new laptop lately I had neglected to be certain Kathy’s laptop was working properly. So this afternoon that is what I was doing. That laptop seems to have difficulty going online even when I plugged it directly to the modem using the Ethernet cable. I tried changing some settings but still was having problems so that might mean another trip to see our techs out in Essex.
Rock City, Tennessee.
Around 3:30 Kathy and I started making a nice big batch of Taco Soup like we had early last month. Once it was put together and had been simmering for a while we sat down for a tasty warm bowl of soup that was very filling. Plus now we also have lots left for more quick meals that will warm us up because our temperatures going to start staying closer to the freezing mark. 
A View of Chatanooga, Tennessee from Rock City.
Hopefully tomorrow I should hear from the Shouldice Clinic so that I have healing time before Christmas which is now only 32 days away. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've ever gift-wrapped a tire.


  1. Taco soup...yummy! We all need some type of comfort food on those very cold evenings.

  2. The Taco soup sounds delicious, perfect for that cooler weather you are having.
