
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Short Outing

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Since we were up late from our outing to see our granddaughter Ashley perform as the Sugar Plum Fairy in a local production of The Nutcracker we had no idea what today’s weather was supposed to be like. When I forced my eyes to focus on the clock at 8:30 I was confused by the lack of light coming into the room. Imagine my surprise when I opened the living room curtains to the sight of thick fog blanketing the parking lot.
 It wasn’t long that Kathy sensed my absence and came out to find me getting breakfast ready. She showed the same surprise that I had when she looked out the window at the fog. By 10:00 the sun had burned off the blanket of moisture that had enveloped our community giving us the sunshine we so dearly craved.
We were headed to read blogs on the computer for the next few hours before having lunch. We decided we needed to get some walking in and to run a few errands at the same time. We had thought of walking down by the river but once we felt the breeze in the parking lot we thought more towards walking the mall.
Dust on the window is so thick you can't even see Kathy in the car.
When we blog we don’t always say everything we do every day. Last week I had rinsed the car off because of dust that is coming from construction work occurring on our building. As we got to our car today we were disappointed at the dust covering on it again making it hard to tell it had been washed. I’m going to talk with the manager tomorrow because not only is this dust getting on our vehicles it is also throughout our apartment and that cannot be healthy.
We cleaned the dash last week now look how dusty it is.
We got our errand done and then just headed over to the Tecumseh Mall to walk and people watch. We also stopped at Canadian Tire and did some additional walking before heading for home. 
Think it's been offroading not in a parking lot.
Since the weather was fairly comfortable and the wind was coming from the north not the south I barbecued a couple of sirloin steaks for our supper on the grill. While they were cooking outside I prepared a couple of sweet potatoes and green beans to complete the meal. Even though Kathy said she really didn’t use her arm yesterday cleaning the apartment it is really bothering her today.
One Year plus two weeks later who would have thought.
This evening we watched a new Christmas story on television and then saw a special number on our blog counter. It’s perfect timing since there are only 36 days before the big day. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your work number is a payphone.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know how Kathy can clean with one arm. I think she is pulling someone's leg.
