
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Patient Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Again today we were awakened by the sun peeking through the bedroom drapes. Kathy’s shoulder is slowly gaining mobility and her sinus infection continues to be a pain. The pain I’m experiencing from my hernia continues to increase.
After breakfast we got on the computers playing catch up from yesterday’s lack of time home as well I filled in the medical forms on-line for the Shouldice Clinic. Now it’s a waiting game for their response before anything takes place. Before lunch Kathy and I prepared tonight’s supper in the Crock Pot and went through what we had in the fridge to make homemade Squash Soup for our lunch which is a great way of not losing food to spoilage.
With lunch over I headed over to the storage yard to put the trailer on to the boards we park it on for the winter to protect the tires from being in frozen puddles. The sun was shining brightly with little wind and the temperatures were back up the normal for this time of year. The battery was brought to our son’s home last night to put a full charge on it for the winter. I then removed the splash brush from the rear of the truck until we are ready to leave for Florida in January.
Afterwards I needed to go back to my doctors in order to get a prescription for a Hernia belt. I have been wearing a back support belt during the day but I am unable to wear it at night. Since I can only sleep on my sides due to the Sleep Apnea the Hernia has increased my discomfort level giving many wakeful hours. After you wait to be seen, get the prescription and then go to the medical supply before heading home the whole afternoon was gone by the time you did get home.
Supper turned out tasty as usual and there is more for lunch tomorrow. Did you know Christmas is now only 39 days away? Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How did Noah see the animals in the Ark at night?

By flood light!


  1. Hope everything works out for your trip south.

  2. Hope the Hernia belt helps you get a great night's sleep.

  3. Ain't it a bugger getting old???

    Karen and Steve
    (Old Blog Name) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
    (New Blog Name) RVing: This Country Is Our Big Backyard
