
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Test and Recovery Day

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Having to set the alarm this morning proved to be unnecessary. Lately when we have to be somewhere early in the day we seem to be awake up minutes before the alarm clock goes off. This still allowed Kathy time to have breakfast while I got ready for my medical test.
We managed to be there five minutes before the appointed time only to have to wait an additional forty-five minutes due to a delay. Once things got rolling I only remembered five minutes into the preparation when I was being hooked up to monitors. The next thing I knew someone was helping me walk to another room.
Kathy was all smiles when she greeted me in the waiting room where I’d last seen her almost two hours before. It seemed like she had me home within seconds as everything seemed to fly past the car.  After changing into more comfortable clothes I was treated to a light brunch before I lay down again only to lose another two hours of my day.
Once I was awake for the third time in the same day I found Kathy in the kitchen busy making cookies for a Halloween party that we’ll be attending this Saturday night at our son’s home in Amherstburg. Of course she needed my assistance in the taste testing department to be certain they were of the highest quality. LOL!
After sitting at the computer and reading for a bit I thought that I would spend at least a few minutes outside on what was being predicted to be our last day of our beautiful Indian summer weather. Unfortunately we have already put our shorts and sandals away so in my jeans and T-shirt I headed across the street to mail a letter. On my return I managed to speak with our neighbor Grant for a few minutes before stopping to collect our mail.
Kathy was finally finished baking for the day and it was getting close to supper time so I suggested that I would barbecue a couple of Johnsonville Brats. Since the weather will be cooling down who knows when we’ll do this again.
After watching the 6 o’clock News it was time to finish reading all the blogs we missed today and think of how Christmas is now only 60 days away. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

The closest you've come to royalty is eating at Burger King.


  1. Glad your test and recovery day went well, Rick. I'm sure you're glad to have it behind you. An, who better to take care of you other than Kathy. :)

  2. Enjioy this nice weather while its there, we do, and it will get even better soon for us.
