
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Down Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Feeling well rested from a good night’s sleep is a good thing giving you more energy to face the day. Problem is that being on a soft food diet that has no dairy products in it for the day seems to drain you of the new found energy.
After breakfast was over and we had read the blogs we follow we still had time to go to the grocery store for extra supplies that are needed to make it through the end of the month.
Back home it was more computer work after lunch until supper. Again all the meals of today were being dictated for me by the upcoming medical test. Kathy was very considerate of not eating our normal foods in front of me as I try to do anytime that she is required to do any dieting or fasting.
Tonight we headed out to Amherstburg to visit with Kevin and Melissa. The change to Tuesday night instead of our normal Wednesday visit was necessary because by tomorrow night I won’t be in the mood for visiting because of the continued preparations for my Thursday’s test. I’ll be glad when this test is done because it is making my sugar level drop to the point of causing headaches. With another day of this I’m hoping my sugar doesn’t bottom out.
Christmas is now only 62 days. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Your in-laws have never spoken to you.

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