
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Taking Care of Business

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

After all that driving yesterday I slept well but was up before 7:30 and back to my normal routine. Kathy on the other hand had difficulty falling asleep so she slept until 8:30 then stumbled into the kitchen still half asleep.
Once breakfast was over and we were checking blogs and E-mail on the computers when the phone rang. Karen our daughter asked if we could drive Kylla our granddaughter to the doctor’s. She had been sick most of the night with a severe pain in her abdomen. Kathy and I suspected it to be her appendix the way it had been described so we agreed to take her.
We arrived before 10:30 and brought her to the family doctor’s office that just happened to be packed. People were being call in and leaving at a fairly steady rate but not Kylla. Finally when nobody else was left they called her in it was 12:45. Ten minutes passed and out she comes with a prescription and told to go home and rest. She is only 17 years old and the doctor thinks she has a Gallstone and has her scheduled for an Ultra-Sound to confirm what it is. Once we dropped her back home we came home for a delayed lunch.
Afterwards I involved Kathy in the final selection of a photo-file I have been working on for quite some time. By the time we got half way through it Kathy was starting to nod off so after a short break we got to eighty percent and she needed a break. After a short nap to make up for the sleep she didn’t get last night we were able to finish it before supper. (Kathy always wondered why it was taking me so long to get it finished.)
With supper finished we managed to get the dishes washed and put away before watching the 6 pm. news. After the weather report was finished I returned to the computer to finish my uploading.
Since there is only 105 days left before Christmas Day I have a lot of projects to complete. Thanks for following along. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Men are like bank accounts.

Without a lot of money,

they don't generate much interest.

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