
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Quiet Down Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Last night I slept most of the night waking only occasionally but was able to fall back to sleep. Kathy; however, spent most of her night awake. Today we are both still dragging from the sleep we haven’t gotten over the last week. Our minds just keep racing all night long.
After doing a few chores around the apartment we have spent most of the day researching things on the computer and reading other blogs and our E-mails. We never even stepped outside of the apartment into the hallway today. I guess you could call this a down day.  
This a Straight Roof Support?

After supper Kathy called to see how Kylla was doing today but was told that to this point she has not been able to keep any food down. The medications she received for her knee surgery and afterwards for the pain are still causing her problems.  She is also complaining of pain even with the pain pills; but that is to be expected.  Each day of her recovery will bring better results.
Vera called today to say once again how much Bill and her enjoyed their trip with us.  It truly was a memorable trip for all of us and time well spent together.  We are very glad that we asked them to come along.  We made precious memories that will never be forgotten and we have pictures to prove it.
 I also called our son Gary to wish him a Happy Birthday and to see how the rest of the gang is doing. We also confirmed our get-together for the second weekend of September back at the K.O.A. in Niagara Falls. They live too far away for us to be together more often but with the children and their full time jobs it makes it difficult for them.
We are now 17 days before our next adventure in September and looking forward to it plus it is only 128 days left until Christmas Day. Have you started your shopping yet? We have! Be Safe and Enjoy! Thanks for following our adventures.   

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Cover Letter Advice (Quoting Lines From an Actual Letter)

 DO: Make your points succinctly.

DON'T SAY: "I excel in everything that I set out to do.

I'm not vain, I just refuse to fail.

The word 'fail' and its variations are not in my vocabulary."

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