
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Problem Solving Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Something is definitely wrong. I actually slept all night last night but unfortunately Kathy wasn’t so fortunate. She had something that was bothering her yesterday and couldn’t get it off her mind. Even though I told her I would deal with it she just couldn’t relax.
This morning the phone ringing was what woke me up. Our daughter Karen’s van wouldn’t start and she needed a boost and was hoping I could help her out. Kathy was already up and had let me sleep so she took the call.
Since I had a scheduled an oil change for the truck it was on the way so it was no problem. Being that Kathy was tired from little sleep decided to make today a cooking day and stayed behind. It only took less than a minute from the time I pulled into her driveway as she already had her jumper cables set up. I didn’t even connect the cables because she learned years ago how to do odd maintenance and mechanical jobs for herself at her Mother’s insistence.
By 10:00 I was heading to get the oil change done on the truck but since we’ll be leaving on our next trip in 12 days and we were starting to get low on fuel I stopped off for a fill-up. Why is it the gas companies love to gouge the motorist at the pump even though we see the cost of oil per barrel coming down.  The cost was $1.199 per liter which works out to $4.538 per U.S sized gallon and needless to say there is a few weeks groceries in that tank tonight.
I mentioned some time back of all the construction taking place in our area. My last oil change was June 29th and now August 23rd I had to detour around the back way to get into the dealership because there is no road left. It was 10:30 by the time I got to the service department. I was better than an hour ahead of my appointed time and it still took until after 1:00 before they finished.
 After a very late lunch the rest of the afternoon was spent doing my morning reading, doing my data entries and working on a photo album of a special trip. We then had a late but light supper after watching the evening news.
 Kathy will definitely be sleeping better tonight because I told her that I would deal with the issue and she knows I always keep my promises. On another note did you know there are only 123 days left until Christmas Day. Be Safe and Enjoy! Thanks for following our adventures.   

It’s about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You were fired from 7 - Eleven years ago

but still wear the shirt.

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