
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Between Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

After finally getting the blog published last night Kathy and I were just too hyped to be able to sleep. So we did something we seldom do. We started watching a late night movie. Notice I said started watching because by 1:00 a.m. we were starting to relax enough to go to sleep. The movie was one we have seen many times over so we knew how it ended.
 Surprisingly we still were wide awake by 8:30 and finished our breakfast by 9:00 this morning. After reading blogs we follow and our E-mails Kathy busied herself figuring costs that will be associated to our second weekend trip of the year.
 This time we’ll be taking our two grandsons Matthew and Tyler to Niagara Falls and we’re leaving this Friday. On Saturday we’ll be attending a special re-enactment at Fort Erie the Battle of 1812. With the use of pyrotechnics on Saturday night they will even show what it looked like when the fort was blown up. This will be an all day event but I’m sure it will be worth it.
 This afternoon we headed over to the trailer to pick up our laundry that was left behind last night and try a bunk ladder we purchased. Good thing we did because the ladder had to be shortened.
 Stopping at the Credit Union on the way home we did something else we haven’t done in a while. We picked up Canadian currency that we’ll need for this weekend with the boys.
 Tonight we went to Amherstburg for our weekly visit. We had our usual enjoyable visit and while we were there I used Kevin’s tools to modify the bunk ladder. Kevin has made further progress on his project and is almost finished.
 By the time we arrived home we were both starting to feel tired due to our late night last night. With only 139 days until Christmas I hope you are enjoying following our adventures. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.

Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Do not underestimate your abilities.

That is your boss's job.

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