
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another Double Day Catch Up.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Tuesday morning it was time to head home. When the clock showed it was past 8:30 I begrudgingly got out of bed because it was nearly midnight before I gave up just posting Monday’s written part of the blog. Kathy was slow to start as well because Tyler had come down  with a bad cold and her Immune System is very weak so she catches everything from everyone.
After breakfast the boys helped by putting their stuff away with Kathy’s help while I started flushing the tanks, prepping the truck and closing things up outside. We were rolling out onto Lundy’s Lane heading for the highway just ahead of the 11:00 checkout time.
As we travelled down the Q.E.W. clouds were starting to fill the sky but traffic was reasonable and flowing along uninterrupted. Just as we emerged north of Hamilton the rain began slowly and once we were on Highway 403 it came down hard enough to slow the traffic. It continued to wash down on us after we had gotten onto the 401 Highway and continued to just before we reached the Flying J in London quite like it had done on Friday's trip to the falls.
Once we finished lunch and had walked around the store to limber up a bit it was back on the road. Just like in the past trips with the boys Kathy suggested they take a short nap to rest after lunch. There was no argument and it became so quiet in the truck that it wasn’t long before Kathy said she needed a five minute nap. The boys woke after 20 minutes but Kathy didn’t wake for 45 minutes as we were pulling into the Tilbury Service Center for the last bathroom break on the road.
By 4:00 we had parked in front of our daughter’s home with the trailer to drop Tyler off only to find nobody else home. After putting his belongings and souvenirs in his bedroom so no one would know we had arrived we left again to drop the trailer off at the storage yard.
Gathering Matthew’s belongings from the trailer we went down to the nearby Wendy’s for a quick but light supper to offset our heavier lunch.
Soon enough we were in Amherstburg dropping off a very excited Matthew who was happy to be home and to share his bounty with his family. After a short visit with our son Kevin and daughter-in-law Melissa we were heading back to Tecumseh to drop off Tyler so he could see his family.
Now it was time for Kathy and I to return to the trailer and gather our belongings and food before heading home. By the time we had put everything away it was time for Kathy to get to bed as she was definitely coming down with something. I continued to work on the computer until after midnight just downloading pictures from the trip. By the time that was finished I went to bed and crashed.
This morning Wednesday Kathy woke around 9:00 slightly feeling refreshed but still a bit sluggish. Myself after falling asleep as soon as I hit the pillow last night I woke around 1:30 and tossed and turned until after 6:30 before falling back to sleep.
By the time we finished breakfast it was after 10:00 and we voted to take it easy today and work on the computers. “I thought this was supposed to be an easy day”? Kathy was going through the mail and online banking while I uploaded pictures to the weekend’s blog this morning. I continued the process by posting Monday’s post with its pictures this afternoon. This evening I’m almost caught up on the blogs we follow as well as our own.
I definitely have to find a more reliable way of posting our blogs when we are on the road so that the problems we have had this summer do not continue.
 Kathy and I are also happy to welcome Mark and Lauree from the blog Land Yacht Ahoy Traveling USA in a Motorhome. They are just starting their travels and look to be doing like Kathy and I being Part-time RVers but they have a cute little traveling companion along for the ride called Sarge. I’ll leave you see Sarge for yourselves. Again thanks to Mark and Lauree for following along.
Kathy and I will be back on the road for another short adventure starting September 4th. I know it’s not the third like the last three months but we’ll see. Did you know that it is only 131 days left until Christmas Day? Be Safe and Enjoy! Thanks for following our adventures.   

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You think a thesaurus is an extinct animal.


  1. Everybody home, safe and sound. Good trip.

  2. Looked like a nice trip you had with the boy's. Some nice memories they will remember this summer by. Sounded like a long day yesterday. Hope Kathy keeps feeling better. Have a Great Thursday!

  3. A visit to the Falls is always fun, we have done so many over the years. Glad the boys had a great time.
