
Friday, August 3, 2012

143 Days until Christmas

Our Location Today is Frankenmuth, Michigan, U.S.A.

Remember how Kathy and I had trouble sleeping on Wednesday night and being tired but wide awake by 7:00. Well we didn’t have trouble sleeping Thursday night. We slept so well it was 8:30 before we woke this morning. Being that we had most everything ready to go the night before we had breakfast and were out the door by 9:30. By 10:00 the trailer was loaded, packed, connected and rolling down the road. It felt real good heading out again.
 It only took a half hour to travel a distance that normally takes ten minutes thanks to all the construction in town. Crossing the Ambassador Bridge into Detroit only took five minutes but because there were so many cars crossing they redirected all the RVs over to the truck inspection lanes. It looked like a convention at a Truck Stop. The biggest laugh was seeing a compact car pulling a small pop-up camper in the truck inspection lanes. Like I said all the RVs were being sent to the truck inspection. We were told they have been doing this lately when car traffic gets too heavy. We have spent hours waiting in bigger lines than there were this morning and this was our first time with this rerouting. I’m sure this made the truckers real happy because this was surely slowing them down. We got through without a problem though and they never checked our trailer which was a first.
They stopped in for lunch
We were supposed to be travelling with our son and daughter-in-law Kevin and Melissa but at the last minute the sitters for the boys had to cancel out so they couldn’t come. Being our site is paid for and it’s been three years since we were in Frankenmuth we decided to come over anyways.
 What we did was make an appointment with our RV dealer just so they could line up warranty work on the trailer. Because of the high heat and humidex the time spent opening the trailer so they could take pictures seemed like an eternity. Once that was closed up we headed back inside the Air Conditioned building to finish the paper work and pick up a few supplies. This stop used an hour and a half of our time.
Kathy making certain our names are on the good list.
In less than an hour after leaving the dealership we were pulling into the Frankenmuth Jellystone RV Park at 3:30 pm. Traffic had been moderate ever since leaving the U.S. immigration and it continued on to the final leg of this trip.
 By 4:30 Kathy and I had set up and connected the trailer and cooled down enough that we headed out the door to shop around one of our favorite stores in Frankenmuth Bronners. This not so small store is open 361 days of the year and they celebrate Christmas all year. If there is some decoration that you want for Christmas and can’t find it anywhere you will find it at Bronners. Due to changes in the economy in the last few years we noted they had added Easter and Halloween to their list of decorations.
 After getting our Christmas fix we headed over to the Bavarian Restaurant for supper. They have also made changes to the layout of the different dining rooms arranging them from the extravagant menus to the more light-hearted simple meals. Of course once we were finished supper we walked around the small shops downstairs only for Kathy to see the perfect Christmas gift for someone in our family that she knows will be just right. Yes this is not the first time that she starts her Christmas shopping at this time of year besides it’s only 143 days until the big day.
 Thanks for following our adventures. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You might be a Redneck if

Birds don't sing on your property.


  1. We have been to Frankenmuth a number of times... there is a really good spinning mill there that takes in peoples fleeces from their sheep, and cleans, cards and processes it into spinnable roving or batts for quilts. And they recently added a spinning mill where the wool is then turned into yarn. LOVE that place!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  2. We love Frankenmuth and have visited many times.

  3. Are you guys at the Jellystone? We've stayed there once, but we make an annual day trip to Frankenmuth for our birthday dinners every May. We always eat at Zhenders, though . . . same food . . . all good! Have a great weekend!

  4. I've been looking for a tiny, easy to store Christmas tree to put on my dinette table since last year. I'll bet I could have found the perfect one there!
