
Monday, July 2, 2012

Count Down

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Yes we are now counting down the hours and the minutes. The heck with the days there isn't a full one left to worry about.
Yesterday we delayed washing the truck because of a few raindrops on the windshield and the high Humidex. The humidex was taking it's toll on us but the rain skirted around our area and left us dry.
It seems like we are already into travel mode because we were both awake most of the night thinking if we'd missed anything that needed doing before this trip. Then top that off with the fact we were both awake shortly after 7:00 this morning totally ready to go a day early but ready to go. Once breakfast was finished we were out the door to head over to a coin operated car wash since we didn't have time to do it while we were at our son's home with the trailer last week.
We found one place a block up the road from our home but the problem was that we could only get the front part of the truck in to just ahead of the rear wheels. It was definitely made for smaller cars and the cost was higher than others we looked at the other day.
On our way to the next one out on Walker Road we had to stop at a traffic light. Looking at a mini-van ahead of us we realized it was our daughter Karen heading for the Windsor Airport. Her job at the University of Windsor requires her to fly to different Universities throughout Ontario a few times a year and this was one of those trips. As she turned into the airport parking lot we waved and honked the horn as we continued up the road another half mile.
This coin car wash was big enough to get the entire truck in the bay with room to spare. It had a higher doorway and was priced less then the others in town. The only problem with these types of car washes is you are on a timer. This means that you have to rush to get the most dust and dirt off that you can. This type of place might do in a pinch like we were in today but I'd rather do the old slow and steady wash where nothing is less then perfectly clean even the door frames, mirrors and stepbars. Being able to use a bucket and pail is the only way to do it properly.
We were back home by 10:30 and were soaking wet from sweating so much. It probably would have felt refreshing to have cooled off with the spray but it kept timing out. After lunch we finished loading addresses into the GPS for this trip and completed other things on the computers. Before supper we headed out to the storage yard to activate the refrigerator in the trailer so it will be nice and cool for us in the morning.
Because of restrictions of bringing food across the International Border and since Kathy has done such a good job of using up those foods in the refrigerator we went to the Chinese Restaurant next door for a simple but filling supper.  Olde Mother Hubbert doesn't have a thing on Kathy.
Kathy and I would like to welcome Iona Ruth as a new follower to our blog. We try to follow people's blogs that follow ours but like this one we can't access that information partly because of life itself and the blog uses up the majority of our time. Many people sign-on as followers wanting us to join their circles but we stay clear of those because we would never leave our computers if we joined everyone's circles.
Only 16 hours and counting for the adventure to begin so feel free to tag along with us on our posts. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

The increased risk of a heart attack faced by a manager

in the week after firing an employee: 100 Percent

Paul Grobman, Vital Statistics


  1. Wheeeheeee anxious to see where you guys go on your trip and be sure to have a lot of FUN!!!!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  2. Have a wonderful trip and safe travels!

  3. Hope your travels are safe and enjoyable. Can't wait to read the updates!

  4. Have a safe trip. If you're heading back across the border, does that mean East? Too hot to go south I would think. I could very well have missed something along the way. Guess I'll find out.
    That's a lot of truck to wash.
    Just saying.
