
Monday, June 25, 2012

Trailer Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We were up early so we could make phone calls and be on our way to work on the trailer by 10:00 this morning. With all the packages we were carrying it looked like we had just gone shopping but in reverse.
I tried to get to the storage yard so early that once we arrived I realized I'd forgotten to pick up a tube of silicon sealer. I had planned on  replacing the stack vent covers on the roof. By the time I returned we had lunch that Kathy had brought along. The food was good and the company better but suddenly the wind started blowing hard enough to rock the trailer from side to side. So much for climbing on the roof it didn't let up until after the sun started setting tonight.
Kathy continued her chores inside while I started to reinstall the Electrical Management System. If you recall I had installed it before but once we plugged in to shore power at our son's it wouldn't work. In order to run the refrigerator I had to remove it but it had only done what it was designed to do. It indicated a fault with the ground and since we knew it wasn't the plugs we were connected to we thought it was haywire. Where the problem was turned out to be in the adapter converting down to 120 volts.
I had to empty the basement  in order to remove a barrier wall so as to gain access to the rear of the fuse panel. Once that was complete I had to disassemble the fuse panel. Since I had prewired the output side of the EMS it was a quick switch of the input line and I had that finished in less then a half hour. Back in the basement another twenty minutes later I had the input connected to the EMS & fastened it down. Once the barrier wall was reinstalled and the basement reloaded the whole job start to finish had taken less then two hours.Kathy was finished inside so we had a short break having fruit she'd also brought along.
Since the wind was still rocking the trailer I went out to install our sewerhose carriers we'd purchased. Unlike our other trailers we've had in the past this trailer has two discharge outlets. This means that if you are staying on a site for any length of time you have to set up a lot of discharge hoses. After putting them away they have a tendency to continue dripping liquids that ran through them causing a mess. Carrying them in garbage bags was only a temperary thing. Three drill bits later I had drilled all the holes but didn't have the proper screws to complete the job.
By this time I had to get cleaned up because Bill and Vera were coming over to see the trailer in the storage yard. They will be travelling with us on our next trip in July out to Wyoming. After their arrival we gave them the grand tour which really impressed them. They kept saying we had a beautiful trailer and were amazed on how our modifications made it  better. We sat and talked  for almost two hours. 
Behind this wall is where the EMS is located
It didn't take long after they left that Kathy and I had the trailer closed up for the night and headed over to A&W for supper. Things are slowly coming together and should be complete by the time we hit the road in 8 days. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.

Doctor, doctor, I've swallowed a roll of photographic film.

Hmmmmm. Let's hope nothing develops!


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  2. Its always nice to get all those little upgrade done and out of the way. Soon hit the road again.

  3. Looked like a pretty tricky job with that electrical panel. Glad to see you found the problem with the adapter.
