
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Relaxing Tiring Day

Our Location Today, Middlebury, Indiana, U.S.A.

Our present location is the Elkhart/Middlebury K.O.A. which allows us to travel the area we're in and is fairly central making for a great travel point. Since we  were all tired from Monday's travels it was agreed that we'd sleep in and not head out to the Shipshewana Flea Market until after lunch. It almost felt like a treat not rolling out of the sack until 8:30 but there were things that needed catching up such as our blog and the E-mails.
 Shortly after noon we met Sandy and Gerry for the short drive to Shipshewana. As we drove through the town it was a bustle of activity from the merchants preparing for the tourist that swarm to this community and the tourist walking in awe at all the uniqueness this small Amish community has to offer. After negotiating our way through the downtown districts major fourway stop-sign in short order we were entering the parking lot and lucked out getting a parking spot close to the entrance.
After only a few steps we explained to Gerry and Sandy that they might want to spend more time looking around because this was their first time here so we'd meet back at the truck closer to 4:30. Kathy and I having been here before and had a shopping list of certain items we knew we could only find here so we stopped at booths where the possibility of finding those items existed.
By 4:30 Kathy and I had managed to walk the entire flea market area and only purchased  four of the five items on our list. Shortly Gerry and Sandy arrived with their small purchases and had only covered less then half of the booths in the flea market.

Everyone had worked up enormous appetites from all the walking so it was decided that we'd head over to Essenhaus which is known for serving the best chicken dinners and baked goods in the region. By the time we waddled our way back to the truck our energy levels had been refilled to over capacity with very generous helpings of the food this restaurant is famous for. (Sorry no pictures from the restaurant at this time but we'll be back.)

By the time we returned to our trailers the effects of all the walking and the large meal it seemed everyone needed a nap before bedtime. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.

PS: Bloggers putting pictures where it wants not where I want them.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Falling is the most common office accident and

is responsible for causing the most disabling injuries.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


  1. I can see more treasure have been acquired.

  2. BUT ...BUT....BUT...BUT

    WHAT did you buy????????

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  3. We were there in late March for a few days, it is a lovely area, so much to see and do, we were just a little early for the markets. But we did get to the Rv Hall of Fame and took a free tour of the Holiday Rambler factory in Wakarusa.
