
Monday, June 18, 2012

Changing Plans

Our Location Today, Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We are getting back to the normal routines that we have to do when we are back in the apartment. Kathy helped sort the laundry and I went to the laundry room to do it. We should have known better then to do this on a Monday. I slowly claimed one washer at a time until all three loads were going. After the wash was complete it was the same process until I had two dryers going twenty minutes apart. A run up the stairs for a quick bite for lunch and it was time to head back for the first dryer to be finished. By 1:30 everything was put away in the proper drawers.
While we were away on our first trip of the season Kathy noted that her printouts of our route by Map-Quest had wanted us taking Toll Roads which is something we try to avoid. If you recall in some of our post I have mentioned that many of the new improved programs such as Blogger and Map-Quest are no longer as User Friendly. Kathy did not believe me and found out herself today as she poured over the printouts of our next trip. It was late this afternoon by the time she had all the routes corrected.
She also had to finish making reservations for some of the outings we were planning on going with our friends Bill and Vera. To her dismay a few of the dinner shows she had planned on going to had changed their menus from something worthwhile to cheap food to pad the bottom line. Other meals and entertainment will just have to be found when we reach those locations.
Presently our area is experiencing hot temperatures with Heat Indexes making it feel well over the century mark. Also with just having suffered the effects of heat distress a month ago my plans for working on the trailer will be waiting until the weekend when the prediction is for cooler temps. Again our plans must be flexable because we are back on the road to adventure in another 15 days. With Summer offically starting in 2 days I will be heeding my own advice when I say Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

100 Damm Good Reasons Why It's OK to Hate Work

Number 10: The colleague who keeps you excruciatingly

up-to-date with her dismal love life.

Jane Purell  

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