
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Blogger Glitch

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Strangely enough on yesterdays post I was mentioning how it seemed we were facing glitches with most everything around the trailer. After writing our blog I was going through past posts and somehow ended up with an unfinished draft that made no sense being posted after our blog. It was quite a shock finding it there this morning when we checked the morning group of blogs we follow.
By 10:00 this morning we were picking up Kathy's PC at the computer shop in Essex. As explained this week with the mess our internet provider caused us by shutting us down. By the time they got three of the four computers up and running out of frustration to not getting the last one to work they said it was the fault of the computers program. Each of their techs that tried to get it going would change the setup on the computer without really taking their time. The techs at the computer shop found it to be the providers Firewall was the cause of the problem. They simply shut it down and turned on the Microsoft Firewall and everything is working just fine.
After Kathy made me my lunch to bring to the trailer she headed off to Canadian Tire to pickup some last minute supplies we'll be needing on our trip. With that finished she headed back home in an attempt to finish making neccessary reservations before we leave.
I headed over to Home Depot to replace a piece of wire that I'm using on our Electrical Management System. The first piece was too short. The second piece was meant for underground outdoor use and was way too heavy and awkward to work with. Today I bought a piece of the original wire at the proper length.
Once I was at the storage yard it didn't take long to pick up where I had left off yesterday. I applied labels to the relays and the corresponding fuse on the fuse block. Everything was going well until I started testing the circuit to the Electric Brake circuit. It was indicating power running through it when it was turned off. The wire I was connected to was a hot lead and the wire I needed to hook into was hidden away in a cable heading to the opposite side of the trailer. Fifteen minutes later I had repaired the first wire and finished the connection to the proper line. Progress seems slow but things are starting to come together.
By the time I closed up for the night it was suppertime and Kathy had made a nice tasty stir-fry.
I just notice that we have a few more followers. Active RVer and MIMI92R have signed on but unfortunately never left any contact or blog related information. Another follower is Nan from Confessions of the RV Loving Fiber Artist who I apologize for not seeing your sign-in as it just showed a silloutte. Nan and her husband John who just went through a severe medical issue will be hitting the road as fulltimers with their pets Oliver, Olivia and Noah in the next 10 days.
Speaking of 10 days that is when Kathy and I will be leaving on our next adventure and here's hoping you can follow along. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

John D. Rockerfeller Sr. used to advise his employees to hire

an assistant to do their job, and then to put their feet up on their desk

and think of new ways to make more money for the company.

It's still sound advice today, but keep your feet off the desk.

Carlo DeVito:  A Field Guide to Office Politics


  1. Computer glitches are usually pretty frustrating but we do usually get thru then. Getting ready to roll again, good luck.

  2. Wiring can be confusing. On my MH, all the wires are the same color, with just tiny numbers printed on the wire at 1 foor intervales. Not an easy thing to work on with senior eyes!

    Wish they'd have used colored wires, I still can tell colors, even if they are a little blurry...

  3. computer glitches drive me crazy..I found I had more problems with them when I had a pc versus the mac...the mac is pretty user friendly and I seem to do much better with it...have a good week

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