
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Weather's Supposed To Be?

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

With the weather promising to be good until later this afternoon Kathy and I chose to go over to Karen's early this morning. It's a good thing because the company Greg had called to check the storm drain in their backyard arrived by 9:00 this morning. It didn't take long for them to locate where the line ran towards the house. By the sounds of what they suggested  the contractor that built the home laid the tiling totally flat which means the tile stays filled with water until it would be absorbed back into the ground.

After they left at 9:45 I was able to start trimming around the firepit. This is accomplished by actually cutting the bricks to fill in any gaps around the pit. By 12:30 I was almost finished when I was suddenly being hit with hail as the sky was just starting to darken. After tipping the wheelbarrow over the saw I scrambled into the house.
Since it was lunchtime and Kathy had again packed us a picnic lunch we sat at the dining room table to enjoy it. The skies continued to darken and thunder could be heard approaching so when there was a pause in the rain I high tailed it outside to bring in the tools.

We came home shortly afterwards only to have the weather taunting us with clearing skies and then thunder and rain back and forth for the remainder of the afternoon. Kathy needed a short nap while I caught up on reading blogs. We'll be back tomorrow to try and accomplish more on the patio because we are starting to run short of time. It is now only 25 days before Kathy and I leave on our first trip of the season and we still have a lot to finish on the trailer. It is also only 42 days before the official start of Summer. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You've flirted over a drive - thru window speaker.

1 comment:

  1. The purple flowers are beautiful! I'm not sure what they are.
