
Friday, May 11, 2012

Making Progress Day.

This morning Kathy stayed home to do some baking while I didn't leave for Karen's until 9:30. The reason for that is our grandson Tyler's hockey season has come to an end and tomorrow his team is getting together for a little party. So Karen our daughter asked if Kathy could make a Cupcake Cake for the team and she'd re-emburse the extra expenses. While I was gone Kathy baked three dozen cupcakes and let them cool until after lunch. She made the Icings and prepped the cakeboard and box all before lunch. By the time I came home for supper this was her creation that Karen and Tyler both said was awesome.
Even though I was busy laying the new paver bricks as quickly as possible throughout the day I was far from finished by supper. The reason being is because the new pavers are a half an inch thinner then the older bricks which meant each and every time I laid the brick I had to hand tamp the extra gravel filler.

After Supper Kathy came to Karen and Greg's with me. First so we could deliver the Cake and second so she could see the progress I had made. She was impressed but I still had to trim the outer bricks the same as I had done around the firepit. Greg had offered to help but my way of finishing is not the same as his so I kindly turned him down. Even Casey has been keeping tabs on my progress in the backyard.
By the time the sun started to set I still have a few hours of work to finish laying the rest of the paver bricks along the outside edge of the patio. That was a ten hour day mostly spent on my knees and making certain everything is tight fitting and looks nice. It's definitely a Tylenol night tonight.

I recently posted a picture of a flower that I was not sure what it was and fortunately a couple of our post followers have identified them as Dianthus. We appreciate that Information and would have reposted that picture but blogger is not allowing me to upload any more pictures tonight. We are now down to 23 days before we hit the road and 40 days before the start of Summer. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You get lost in your garage.

1 comment:

  1. What a great cupcake cake! Those are so great for kids, easy to serve, no plates or forks needed.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
