
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Goldilocks and The 3 Bears Story!

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The sun was brightly shining when we woke up this morning but the weather channel showed wind chill and temperatures that weren't too high to start with. After seeing the predicted high we made our choice to run a bunch of errands rather then struggling to keep warm while working on the trailer. Once we walked outside we knew it was cold but when we walked past the end of the building we wished we had wore our winter coats. The wind even though it was not harsh made us feel chilled to the bone.

After making a pick-up at Sears and a few other returns we headed over to Tepperman's as they were having a sale on mattresses this weekend. Since Kathy and I have both been having restless nights we thought the problem could be our seven and a half year old mattress. After trying several we knew we were on the right track. Some were too hard and others were too soft and then we found the one that was just right. Sounds like the three bears story. The saleswoman had to keep waking us up because it just felt so good we started dozing off.  Because of the sale they had run out of stock and were taking orders so we won't have it delivered until next Thursday. Something else to look foward to! After a quick stop at the grocery store and we headed home and again & were greeted with the bone chilling wind.

Kathy and I would like to Thank the author of the blog Encourage One Another for following our blog post. Their blog uses "G-rated" jokes that bring humor and some important life lessons that make us rethink our values and good fortunes.

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warmer so I'll be trying to finish some of the chores on the trailer while Kathy does some baking for this coming Easter Sunday celebration with family. That also means that Summer is now only 76 days away which tells me I only have 59 days to get the trailer ready before we hit the road on our first adventure of the year. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

The midwife has a key to your front door.


  1. You are now on a 7 day countdown to sweet dreams.

  2. A new mattress can make all the difference. Hope you really enjoy yours.
