
Friday, April 27, 2012

Cool Organizing Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We were up and having breakfast at a decent time this morning waiting for a phone call from our daughter Karen. She had to bring Tyler for a scheduled Doctor's appointment and called once she got back home. By 10:30 the frost had just finished melting off the windshield when we were on our way out. 
I modified the rear of our trailer to carry our generator
After picking Karen up at home we headed for Home Depot to pick up supplies for the Firepit Patio project. When we left there we headed past Emeryville to the home of Kevin and Sandy Schmidt for two reasons. One to drop off a couple of tools that Kevin had loaned Greg and Secondly to pick up some bricks that were extras when they had built their home. We'll use these bricks to line the firepit so that the pit can be deeper then the heighth of the patio.
Once we were back at Karen's and had unloaded the supplies there was another job that had to be taken care of. Because their backyard is up against the Railroad Property fence there is a huge berm to help buffer the noise of the passing trains. The previous owners had planted rose bushes against the fence to make it look nice but they never took care to trim those bushes. The bushes with time grew the length of and above and beyond the fence. They had grown wild. These bushes would catch into your clothing and try to capture you in their grasps if you were within six feet of the fence. If you recall Wednesday night our son Kevin said Karen needed the use of his Chainsaw. After an hour Karen and I managed to conquer the wildness of that rose bush. We both came out with some scratches but once the Firepit Patio is complete they will have a lot of thorny branches and twigs to burn off.
Kathy had busied herself making lunch for us and called us in. From there we brainstormed other plans that they have for the backyard. They want to make it into a play area for the children as well as a social area for the adults. Since it was late afternoon and Karen had to go to work at the store again we left to come home.
A comment from Jill on yesterday's blog asked if we had a planned route or destination for our trips. In June we are travelling with friends to Shipshawana Indiana as they have never been there. Also while in the neighborhood we will be stopping at MorRyde in Elkhart for upgrades to our trailer. In July we will be taking friends in our truck and trailer out to Wyoming with stops along the way there and back. When we return we'll be taking Kevin and Melissa to Frankenmuth Michigan for a long weekend getaway. In the middle of August we'll also be taking grandsons Matthew and Tyler away for a week in our new trailer. After that Kathy and I have plans to go away in September for a week or so just before we Winterize the trailer for the season. Next year our travels will be starting early as we will be leaving on our first Snowbirding experience in January 2013.
Everyone that reads or blog on a regular basis knows how we're counting 37 days until we are on the road. Would you believe the forecast in Southern Ontario is calling for S#%* tonight with accumulations possible. What kind of forecast is that with Summer being only 54 days away. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You broke a toe when you

dropped your belt buckle on it.


  1. It was a cool night but no S#%* in our area, hope you guys made out ok to.

  2. Icky icky icky on the S#%* !!!!! We have frost warnings the last few mornings, so we have been pulling in the potted flowers. Where is SPRING?

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  3. We just returned from our first camping weekend of the season and it was so cold and windy that we ended up spending most of the weekend in the camper. Our next trip is to Jamaica. Yea! Sunshine and warmth, we hope.
