
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

No I'm not talking about Shocks I'm meaning surprises. One of the stores that we frequent and were in last Thursday was totally destroyed by fire last night. We had to run an errand at the Credit Union this morning so we figured we'd nosey around to satisfy our own curiousity. Once we were done at the C.U. we turned into the parking lot of the strip mall. Not only was the store we use often destroyed but at least three other businesses were just charred ruins and six more businesses closed because there was no power to the buildings and they probably all suffered heavy smoke damage. The Fire Marshall was still there investigating and there were at least a dozen Police cars on location. Amazing!

We headed over to Walmart to pickup a few groceries and were surprised that almost everything on our list was on sale which helped to keep the bill down even more. Amazing!

Once we were home I busied myself getting Kathy's PC set back up. To get rid of the virus it picked up last week they saved all her files and address book but had to format the operating system. Strangely to reload all the programs normally takes me a day and I usually have to get tech support to reset her E-mail. I must be getting used to doing this because I did it all myself in under three hours plus I also disabled the touchpad on the laptop during that time. Amazing!

After supper I managed to get caught up on reading all the blogs we follow that posted today and I won't be up all night doing it. It is now only 54 days until Kathy and I are on the road again making it only 71 days to the Start of Summer. Amazing! Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.


  1. Too bad about those stores. I wonder how many folks are out of a job, at least temporarily.

    Always a plus when your shopping list matches the "what's on sale" list.

  2. Sorry they had to format the system. I find the tech is taking the easy way out when they don't know how to remove a virus but what can you do, sometimes you have no choice. I'm glad you got it all back up and running though!

    Safe travels,


  3. What a great tekki guy you are to replace all those programs! Glad you were able to save all the files and photos. Good job!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  4. Oh yes the joys of windows operating systems. I backup my Mac with a time machine external hard drive. And when the hard drive decided to die (Under warranty). I plugged in the external drive and everything was all done for me, including programs, files, pictures and settings, just the way it was before. Amazing . Sure made believer out of me.
