
Monday, April 30, 2012

Blogger Comments

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The Weather Channel was bang on this morning about our area seeing rain most of the day. So after breakfast Kathy and I decided to run errands to the Credit Union and it started to play out like yesterday where we ran into my friend Neal that I haven't seen in almost a year. Like yesterday it was like old home week and the conversation took some time with a final see yas and the promise to get together soon.
This afternoon we busied ourselves filling the storage containers with the condiments and other food stocks needed to fill the trailer pantry shelves. Many of those containers have followed us from one RV to another which proves their worth and adaptability under the different conditions we use them in. That used up two and a half hours of our time and has us on the hunt for different containers to finish the task.
If you recall yesterday was Kathy's Birthday April 29th. For years we have celebrated our birthdays on April 30th. The reason being is my Birthday is May 1st. It works great for us and this year we treated ourselves to supper out at The Keg Steakhouse here in Windsor. The food was fantastic but it is not something we plan to repeat to soon as when you  leave you may weigh at bit more then when you walked in but that is offset by the lightening of your wallet.
On our way home in an attempt to walk off some of our meal we made unsuccessful stops to locate more storage containers for the trailer. We searched a number of different stores only to find other items destined for the trailer but not what we had set out to look for.
Once back home it was back to catching up on reading the blogs we follow and luckily I have set it up so the latest blog to post is at the top of the list which makes it a time saver. I was reading Chappy Trails who I've followed for years and they were a little concerned that nobody was leaving any comments on their blog. People they spoke to and met would always verbally comment about things on their post but would not leave a comment. So I left a comment that I am sure many of us can relate to.
I Commented: When we are helping others with projects as well as our own it cuts into our own personal time. Our personal time involves working on our own rigs, visiting, exploring and reading others blogs, but if you read all the blogs that you have on your sidebar as we sometimes do it takes quite some time. At present we have 164 posts that we follow. First you read all the blogs that post daily and then you return to read the ones who's posts are not as often. Maybe when the day comes that our time belongs totally to ourselves then we might have time to comment on all the blogs that we read.
I believe as many others that sometimes keeping up on others blogs can be time consuming where normal everyday things start taking a backseat to our blogging. So the only way we can manage it all is to read all the posts and only leaving comments when we can find additional time.
Looking at the calendar shows me I only have 34 days before Kathy and I are back on the road travelling this year so I had best get all my projects wrapped up. That also means that Summer is only 51 days away. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

The boss was yelling at the errand boy who had come in late.

"Don't you know what time we start work here?" asked the boss.

The errand boy answered, "Nope. I've been here three days

and every time I showed up everybody was working already."

Milton Berle

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Question and Answer Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The game plan today was to head over to Karen's to work on the patio after lunch. The reason for waiting after lunch was because the temperature that dipped to freezing last night was taking it's time to warm up. My plan was to layout and to start cutting the brick for the firepit. Since my heavy 120 volt extension cord is only 100 feet long I needed longer.

We stopped at the trailer where I was going to borrow our two 50 foot 30 amp extensions to use on this project and Kathy needed to look in the linen cabinet for some pillow cases that should have been brought home for washing.
As we were about to leave a familiar looking pickup was pulling up next to our trailer. It was Gail and Wayne a couple that are both licensed Tool and Dye Journey persons that I used to work with before I retired. They have a Class A Motorhome right next to our trailer and were returning the house and engine batteries that they had removed and had serviced at a local battery shop.

I introduced Kathy to them and before you know it we're all talking like old friends and then we gave them a tour of our trailer and explaining everthing we have done to it and still want to do. They were impressed at the quality and design of our trrailer. They were also telling us of their travel plans for this year and we were telling of ours. We left on a positive note that we might be able to get together on an outing.

Our five minute stop at the trailer had turned into an hour and a half. Oops! So needless to say I managed to layout the firepit to size and determine the angle to cut the bricks. I even managed to dig the pit in the clay but didn't even cut one brick by the time we left to come home for supper.

After supper we started playing catch up on reading the blogs we follow and noted on American-Traveler that today is Bea's Birthday. So I wished her the best and informed her that today April 29th is also Kathy's Birthday. She has since acknowledged the greeting and passed the greeting on to Kathy as well Thank You again Bea.
Jill and her husband Bob from Jillgoes just returned from their first outing of the season but unfortunately had to spend it mostly inside their trailer due to the weather. They plan on making up for it by going to Jamaica for some sun and warmth. There is still a long season ahead you might want to save that trip for next Winter.

Another commenter butterbean carpenter asked if we had built our own trailer and put the Avalanche label on it because he has been looking online for one. Given time I could build this kind of unit but would probably not be able to have the quality of workmanship that is in this unit. I have been making some modifications that for us are improvements but that is as far as I'd go. You can find our trailer by going to Keystone RV Manufacturing or by clicking here. Our Trailer is a Avalanche 340 TG and we are very happy with it.
Another thing that we are very happy with is that in 35 days we will be back on the road. It also means that we are only 52 days until the beginning of Summer and some beautiful warm weather. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

Your favorite meal is only available at county fairs.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mother Nature Gets Written Up

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

I finally figured it out. Mother Nature mixed up Winter with Spring. There can be no other reasoning behind all these weird temperatures. Back in March we were experiencing temperatures that normally are not seen in this area until the later part of May to early June. We only had the occassional dusting of snow not the major downfalls that usually paralized traffic for days on end.

Now it is Springtime at the end of April and many parts of southern Ontario have been getting snow with daytime and night time temperatures that we should have seen back in March. Even the flowers are confused. Many plants started blooming as much as six weeks early and are now trying to survive night time lows below the freezing mark. Most people that mess up on their jobs like that end up being fired. I truly believe that Mother Nature should at least get demerit points taken off so maybe she might think twice about pulling a stunt like this again.
At least we dodged a bullet last night and woke to green grass and black asphalt this morning instead of what was predicted. Stepping outside made you scurry back to find extra layers of clothing to stop you from looking like your shorts were too tight. Looking at the predicted high for the day it was lower then the existing temperature but the wind chill was well below the freezing mark. It was decided this would make a good errand day.

Every year we remove all food stocks from the trailer and use it up at home through the winter so that it won't freeze or grow old and spoil. Today became the day to replace all those staples. Kathy has meticulously made lists over the years so we know what is needed in the trailer and what is not. With this year's list in hand we set out being carefull to only buy the food that will be brought out to the trailer once the weather clears. After almost two hours in the grocery store we came away well educated about the wholesomeness of much of the food we bought. We were also lighter from all the walking we did and the money that is no longer in our bank account. But we are ready.

Kathy and I would like to welcome yet another follower to our blog. Karen Phillips from the blog Wish Upon an RV Star along with her husband Al. This couple successfully operated their own business for nearly twenty years and sold it all to travel in their RV. Again Thank You for following and we hope to keep it interesting.
I know when things will really start to get interesting and that will be in 36 days when Kathy and I hit the road for our first trip this season. That means it is only 53 days until the start of Summer. Do you thing Mother Nature will have the seasons all sorted out by then. Let's Hope! Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


What is the best way to speak to a monster?

From a long ways away!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cool Organizing Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We were up and having breakfast at a decent time this morning waiting for a phone call from our daughter Karen. She had to bring Tyler for a scheduled Doctor's appointment and called once she got back home. By 10:30 the frost had just finished melting off the windshield when we were on our way out. 
I modified the rear of our trailer to carry our generator
After picking Karen up at home we headed for Home Depot to pick up supplies for the Firepit Patio project. When we left there we headed past Emeryville to the home of Kevin and Sandy Schmidt for two reasons. One to drop off a couple of tools that Kevin had loaned Greg and Secondly to pick up some bricks that were extras when they had built their home. We'll use these bricks to line the firepit so that the pit can be deeper then the heighth of the patio.
Once we were back at Karen's and had unloaded the supplies there was another job that had to be taken care of. Because their backyard is up against the Railroad Property fence there is a huge berm to help buffer the noise of the passing trains. The previous owners had planted rose bushes against the fence to make it look nice but they never took care to trim those bushes. The bushes with time grew the length of and above and beyond the fence. They had grown wild. These bushes would catch into your clothing and try to capture you in their grasps if you were within six feet of the fence. If you recall Wednesday night our son Kevin said Karen needed the use of his Chainsaw. After an hour Karen and I managed to conquer the wildness of that rose bush. We both came out with some scratches but once the Firepit Patio is complete they will have a lot of thorny branches and twigs to burn off.
Kathy had busied herself making lunch for us and called us in. From there we brainstormed other plans that they have for the backyard. They want to make it into a play area for the children as well as a social area for the adults. Since it was late afternoon and Karen had to go to work at the store again we left to come home.
A comment from Jill on yesterday's blog asked if we had a planned route or destination for our trips. In June we are travelling with friends to Shipshawana Indiana as they have never been there. Also while in the neighborhood we will be stopping at MorRyde in Elkhart for upgrades to our trailer. In July we will be taking friends in our truck and trailer out to Wyoming with stops along the way there and back. When we return we'll be taking Kevin and Melissa to Frankenmuth Michigan for a long weekend getaway. In the middle of August we'll also be taking grandsons Matthew and Tyler away for a week in our new trailer. After that Kathy and I have plans to go away in September for a week or so just before we Winterize the trailer for the season. Next year our travels will be starting early as we will be leaving on our first Snowbirding experience in January 2013.
Everyone that reads or blog on a regular basis knows how we're counting 37 days until we are on the road. Would you believe the forecast in Southern Ontario is calling for S#%* tonight with accumulations possible. What kind of forecast is that with Summer being only 54 days away. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You broke a toe when you

dropped your belt buckle on it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gloomy Errand Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Shortly after breakfast Kathy and I headed out to meet with our local insurance agent for the first time since we moved from our home to the apartment. We had a number of issues that needed addressing because there is a difference between being a home owner to becoming a tenent. For some unknown reason the agent we had been dealing with setting up our new policies before our move had failed to cross the "T's" and dot the "I's" on a number of issues and withheld paperwork from the Company. We had major issues dealing with the content coverage and value they had accessed for the replacement value of our trailer. Once we were satisfied we were heading in the right direction with our policies we headed home through the rain that wasn't supposed to happen.

We had considered heading to the trailer this afternoon but Karen had to work at the store tonight and Greg was working overtime. Kylla needed a ride home from school and after Tyler arrived home from school we headed out to take Kylla to work at "Mikey D's". Tyler didn't have any homework to bring with him so he brought his bathing suit and he came over to have Supper and a swim at Grandma's and Grandpa's pool. The sun tried several attemps to come out and shine after supper but the cloud cover never allowed more than a minute at a time for that to happen. Greg picked Tyler up on his way home after work at 7:20.

The sun is supposed to be shining tomorrow so that will help us at getting our projects a little closer to completion. It better because we only have 38 days before we're leaving on our first trip which means we are only 55 days away from the start of Summer. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Put It on Paper The real question is why would
anyone ever actually want to send in some weird
canned video resume? What if it's bad lighting or
your hair is off? It seems awfully dumb to potentially
cancel yourself out before the employer has even
glanced at your qualifications. The beauty of the
non-video resume, also called "the resume." is that
your credentials and what not are looked at first,
without anything else to go on.

Richard Lawson,

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Relaxing & Chore Day.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

This morning was filled with making plans of what to do for the next few days. Since working on the Firepit Patio seems to be taking its toll on me & it is at a stand still needing sand and gravel;I am not working on it at this time. The plans for this afternoon was to head over to our son's home in Amherstburg to finish making additional brackets for the trailer.

Kathy brought along the laptop so she could continue researching recipes and destinations for future trips while I would be working in the garage. The reason for doing the brackets while the boys are in school is because Cameron has super sensitive hearing and the noise from a saw or grinder actually hurts his hearing, even though he is in the house and I'm in the garage. Once the cutting and grinding were finished a coat of paint was applied to them and touch-ups on the Fifth Wheel Hitch.

Being that today is Wednesday it is the day we normally go over for our weekly visit but being that the boys had just arrived from school we left for a while so they could have supper and do their homework. We headed down to the Navy Yard which is the riverfront park for the town of Amherstburg. You may recall many of the pictures of Christmas Decorations that we posted were from this park during the month of December.
Kathy had packed a picnic style supper for us which we enjoyed while sitting in the truck. Afterwards we walked around looking at all the beautiful flowers and the scenery of the area. It was almost a shock to see many different flowers that were already dying off because they bloomed so early this spring because of the mild weather we had in this region during the last two weeks of March.

After returning to Kevin's we were surprised to see the chainsaw sitting by the front of the house. Apparently his sister had called asking him to send it over with us because there is a fair sized shrub that needs to be removed in her back yard. Inside the house Melissa had just had supper and was relaxing after coming home from work. We had our usually pleasant visit but even more fun filled because of Garfield and Sully doing all the silly little things kittens do that brings joy and laughter to our hearts.

On the way home we were getting a very light drizzle but nothing too severe. Tomorrow will be another day of errands but it's all about getting things accomplished before we hit the road in 39 days. We also look foward to the start of Summer in 56 days to really warm things up for us around here. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You've practiced undoing a bra. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chipping Away

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The weather report for today was warmer with less winds to make it more comfortable to be outside. After lunch today we headed back over to our daughter's to work on the firepit patio again. Besides the weather having turned cool and blustery for this time of year there is also a lot of clay below the grass that I removed. Trying to lay a brick patio is something that takes time once you are set up there is no way of leveling them in a clay base. What must be done is level the clay as close as possible then add a stone base that can be leveled like a slab of cement. So this afternoon all I could do was use the pick axe and chip away at the clay.

We were about to leave and were invited to stay for supper again which we truly appreciated. Trying to type this post my hands and wrists are reminding me that I'm out of practice doing this type of work and that is why I give myself a day to recover between work days otherwise I wouldn't get too far. After a nice warm shower I'm sure there will be no trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep tonight.

Kathy and I would like to welcome new blog follower Jill from the blog Jillgoes. Jill is a grandmother with a very unusual hobby that she claims she was tricked into. She holds a 3rd Degree Brown Belt in Judo and Jujitsu. To hold that kind of ranking at any age is good but when you start later in life to attain it is truly an honour.

Jill has also left a question on her first comment about the beautiful Purple Pansies on the post last night. Yes they are purple pansies but since the nurseries are just starting to stock them I did what many boggers do and that is to use a photo in our files. Those pictures are representative of what we have been seeing already this year and once it warms up again should see again soon. Something else we hope to see in 57 days is Summer which means that Kathy and I will be starting our travels again this year in only 40 more Days. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Why did the horse cross the road?

Because the chicken needed a day off.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Down Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

After being exposed to the cold blowing winds yesterday we had no problem getting to sleep last night. The problem was in trying to wake up this morning. Even after finally getting out of bed and having breakfast it would not have been a problem to crawl back between the sheets for the better part of the day.

Luckily we had gotten the bedding from the trailer on Saturday so that it could be freshened up before the start of the season. I was about to go down to the laundry room when Karen our daughter called inviting us over for supper. We gladly accepted the invitation and off I went to the laundry room. There were people just finishing so it was easy for me to get started fairly quickly. Once everything was washed and in the dryers I came back to the apartment for lunch and to read a few blogs before heading down to fold and retrieve our linens.

Since the weather outside was the same as the past two days we worked on the computers until it was time to leave for our Supper Invitation. Supper was delicious! We had pulled pork sandwiches with baked beans, coleslaw and onion rings. We enjoyed visiting with all the family which doesn't always happen because of such a busy lifestyle they have.

On our way home we decided to check out prices for supplies that will be needed to finish the patio as well as going over to Michael's for supplies that Kathy needed for one of her projects.

Tomorrows weather is supposed to be a slight improvement which will bring us closer to the completion of another project because we are coming down to the wire. We are only 58 days until the start of Summer and 41 days until Kathy and I are back on the road. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You think your truck's title is

"my truck".

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cold Front

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The Weather Channel prediction for today was supposed to be the same as yesterday. So after two days of no rain the thought of returning to our daughter's to continue  making progress on the firepit patio was examined. The temperature and the wind speed were the same so the plan was to go over after lunch.

Heading to the truck in the parking lot the chill from the wind felt worse than yesterday so after starting the truck for Kathy to remain warm I returned to the apartment for a warmer work coat. The other day when Kathy had helped me with the leveling device the wind gave her an ear infection so today she was just going to visit.
With the blowing wind at my back even wearing the heavier work jacket I still needed to pull the hood from my hoody up because my head was freezing. After chipping away at the clay for nearly four hours by myself out in the wind the project was showing advancement it was time to call it a day. I was exhausted and needed to come home for supper and a rest.

Supper was very satisfying but as we sat watching the news afterwards my eyes shut causing me to lose an hour of daylight. Even Kathy had slipped into a state of relaxation that she needed as well. Neither of us seemed to have any energy to carry on any further tasks for the day. We are sure that both of us will still sleep well tonight due to the fresh cold northern air that we were exposed to. Tomorrow's weather prediction is for more of the same so we'll be waiting until Tuesday when the temperature is to be moderately warmer.

Kathy and I would like to welcome new blog follower Jessica Foster who has a blog call Breathings. She is a student and writer and from the different types of blogs that she is following is using them for inspiration. Much of what I read of her writings is very informative and inspirational as well.

Buffalo Grazing in Yellowstone National Park.
Thank goodness the outlook for next week's weather will be a great improvement. Especially since we are only 59 days from Summer. That only leaves me 42 days to complete all my projects before Kathy and I are back on the road. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time. 


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Re-Leaf' Stress with Plants
A Washington State University study measured the effects
 of indoor plants on students performing a slightly stressful
computer-based task in a university computer lab.
 When researchers decorated the lab with indoor plants,
 they found that their subject's reactions were 12 percent quicker
 on the task, and their systolic blood pressure fell.

Liz. Wolgermuth, U.S. News and World Report