
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Third Day is a Charm

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

With overcast skies it helped us to sleep a little later this morning but my back insisted I get up by 7:30. I fired up the computers and opened the curtains, got  the newspaper, started the coffee opened the drapes in the living and dining room and managed to catch the forecast on the weather channel. Kathy was up by 8:00 even though she had a wakeful night.

By 9:00 we were on our way back to our son's so I could finish welding the battery racks for the trailer but needed to make a few stops first. After picking up yet another submarine sandwich and the paint supplies we arrived just after 10:00.

Kevin needed to run some errands so I just started doing what needed to be done. Unfortunately someone called Murphy was looking over my shoulder and was causing the welding machine to continually pop the breaker. As long as I was tacking or using Sheet Metal Rods there was no problem but as soon as I started using Low Hydrogen Welding Rod I kept popping the breaker. All the welds I needed to make were only 2 inches in length but the longest stitch I could accomplish was only 1-1/2 inches. Therefore a two hour job turned into four hours.

Kevin arrived from his errands and immediately started cleaning and painting while I cleaned up the weld bench and floor. Once I finished with that I grabbed the second brush and we finished painting in short order. With the high humidity of the day the paint is sure to remain damp for the next few days so that will give us time to do other chores before I pick them up to install.

We arrived home shortly after 4:00 pm. and decided to go out for supper at a small restaurant called Gilligan's and had a Greek Chicken Sandwich that was delicious. It didn't help our diets and was way too much to finish but did make a good bedtime snack.

 After getting some encouraging comments about taking pictures with the DSLR Kathy tried her hand at it again today. Today was also our third Summer-like weather day this Spring but the prediction is for more seasonal temperatures for the weekend. So this means we only have 90 days until Summer actually starts and only 73 days before Kathy and I are on the road for this year. Be Safe and Enjoy!

I was just informed that I have exceeded my Picasa limit. Strange I upload all my pictures from my computer and don't have a web album that I know of. No more pictures until I get this figured out. Thanks for looking in.

It's about time.


What do you call a woodpecker that lost its beak?

A Headbanger.


  1. I believe when you put pictures in your blog it automatically creates an album in Picasa (Google pictures). Extra storage is very inexpensive. I paid $20 (annual) for 80 gig. You can get 20 gig for $5 a year. Make sure you don't delete any albums that say Blogger or Live Writer as those albums contain picture used in your blog and they will no longer show up on your blog if you delete them.

  2. Donna's got it right. I already have an online photo hosting service, so I link my photos from there, although I do occasionally upload from the computer and when I do, those photos go to Picasa.
