
Friday, March 9, 2012

Nippy Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The title says it all, it was a nippy day with the temperature only making it to 36 F (2 C) with periods of that white stuff blowing in the wind. Lucky for us we only needed to run a single errand and the ground continued to be brownish with spots of green.

I spent most of the afternoon getting caught up on old newspapers and todays blog posts. One thing the post that I read stated everyone was being affected by high winds and that they were still experiencing cold weather while others are just starting to go back to the warmer temperatures after a dramatic drop. With the changes to the weather people are not just experiencing storms but something much worse. The return of the Flu bug! You would figure that with Spring just around the corner flowers blooming and record  or near record temperatures this shouldn't be happening but it is. It is a fact that our bodies would be more resistant to bacteria if our weather pattern would warm slowly instead of the constant fluctuation we have been seeing lately.

I also had to do a little maintenance to the blog today. Every month I make certain that all the links I have created are working properly or what's the use of having them. On average I have to reset two or three because they suddenly go haywire .

Starting tomorrow many of the Snowbirds will be sharing their Winter get-aways with students on Spring break. If that wasn't bad enough on Sunday Morning we move to Daylight Saving Time by turning our clocks ahead by an hour. It's bad enough some of us can't sleep at night  that will just make it worse. That truly means that Spring will be here in 11 days. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

Your maternity bra is leopard-print


  1. Let's hope spring remembers to show up on time!!

  2. I'm one of those folks that likes 'jumping forward'! More daylight hours after work. :)
