
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Getting Caught Up Sunday.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The sun was shining, the trees were still, the birds were chirping and it was freezing cold. Kathy and I enjoyed a lazy morning after which we started the computers. It was easy to tell it was Sunday because many of the blog posts we follow only write on Sundays as well as other posts that had missed a few days everyone was trying to get caught up.

We didn't get away from the computers reading blogs until noon. Kathy managed as she often does to raid the refridgerator of all the leftovers and recreated them into a fanastic and tasty lunch. Afterwards I collected a few things that Kathy and I brought from our home and decided to get rid of and put them in the truck. I also managed to package a few items that have to be mailed off tomorrow.

Karen called to tell us that she was working and that the family was going out for a late supper and wouldn't be home for our usual Sunday night visit. We re-scheduled our visit for Tuesday night.

I ran across more data entries I had to make and then I looked to see which other blogs had written. As expected I read for another two and a half hours just getting caught up reading blogs we follow.

After supper we did the dishes together and then back to the computers. Another hour of reading more blogs before I could start writing our post. It almost felt like a non-productive day but it was and will continue to be time used getting caught up.

I'm truly looking forward to the warmer temperatures in the next few weeks so that I can continue doing the modifications on the trailer that we want so it will be ready when we hit the road this year. Besides Spring is scheduled to arrive in another 16 days hopefully bringing better weather with it. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.

W.C. Fields


  1. W.C. Fields was a bit of a curmudgeon wasn't he? :)

  2. That orchid is gorgeous! I keep waiting for mine to bloom. All buds and no blooms yet.

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
