
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Clean-up Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The weather today was different from yesterday only by the fact that there was no rain in the forecast. The temperature slowly climbed to 45 F ( 7 C ) by 2 pm and has been holding fairly steady to this time. Since it was still fairly wet outside from yesterday's rain we thought it would be better to stay away from the trailer otherwise we'd be tracking all kinds of mud inside from the storage yard.

This morning Kathy was busy working on necessary filing so I helped out by dusting and mopping the bedroom. This afternoon she continued with the files then went back to sorting and organizing her closet. She had put away her winter clothes and brought out her spring / summer clothes and tries them all on because if the don't fit properly or are showing their age they are donated to the Goodwill. I finally completed all my data entries on one of my files and only have two more to complete which will make things easier for me when we are travelling.

Tomorrow the forecast is for warmer temperatures with more rain in the afternoon so again we'll stay away from the trailer. The rest of the week is looking to be sunny with moderate temps which will be perfect for starting to get things modified on the trailer. Since Summer is only 81 Days away so that means there is only 64 days left before Kathy and I are on the road with the trailer to our next adventure.

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

Los Angeles emerged as the clear winner in the IBM
Smarter Buildings study, which surveyed 6,486 office
workers in sixteen U.S. cities on issues ranging from
office building automation and security to elevator
reliability and conservation issues. For instance,
Los Angeles had the highest percentage (40 percent)
of respondents who said their office buildings automatically
sense when people are in a room and adjust lights and
temperature accordingly, compared to an average of
27 percent.

IBM Smarter Buildings Study, 2010

Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Has Arrived???

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We slept in this morning until 8:00 but couldn't find the sun anywhere in the neighbourhood. Turning on the weather channel the announcer was standing outside in the sunshine wear an open jacket. It's amazing how much difference there is in the weather when they're 150 miles from your location. By the time we had read our E-mails and a few blogs it had started to rain.

That determined that we were going to work on home projects today. By the time we finished lunch the rain had turned to pea sized hail that was clattering against the windows. If you look at the picture above you can see a pattern the hail made in the parking lot as it melted and headed for the drain. By supper time the hail had totally melted and as of this writing the rain has finally stopped. At the beginning of last week we were officially still in the Winter season having Summertime temperatures. Flowers are blooming all around us and now that is Spring it feels more like Winter.

A short time ago someone had signed on to our site as a follower but there was no information on that person. When I thanked them for following but mentioned the lack of information they E-mailed me with what I needed to properly thank and introduce them. Since that time whenever I would read other blogs I followed I would sign-in. The other day I noted that when you checked the profile of the sites we were following nowhere did it show a link to our blog. Upon running across a site that did show our blog I noted it was signed in by Blogger not Google. This afternoon I manage to change 150 of the followers profiles of the 160 sites we follow. Hopefully that will make it easier for anyone trying to figure out who the heck Rick and Kathy Rousseau are and not having to find out by accident.

Our daughter-in-law Melissa stopped over for a short visit tonight on her way home from work. This was her first visit since we moved here last year. She was always reading our blog seeing pictures of the apartment the pool and the parking lot but had never seen it first hand. She was amazed how we went from our large home to the apartment and still kept the aesthetics and comfort. We were very happy that she stopped in.

Tonight Kathy and I would like to thank a new follower of our blog. Thank You goes out to Cheryl Leonard who is brand new Blogger from DayDreamer. along with her husband Tom they are working towards joining the fulltiming life style. We'll definitely be rooting for you both and keeping an eye on your blog post coming up.

I sure we're not the only ones counting down the days to Summer. It's 82 days which means that in 65 days Kathy and I will be back on the road. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Customer: "I'd like two pork chops please,

and make them lean."

Butcher: "Okay, but which way?"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Progressive Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

When we got up this morning it felt like we were in the early part of February. The temps were above the freezing mark but the windchill and higher humidity definitely made it feel otherwise. The sun never totally came out from behind the clouds the entire day. Tomorrow we're to expect more of the same but with rain thrown in the mix.
A decision was made because of the temp to wait until Saturday to work on the trailer as the forecast is for warmer temps with no breeze and no rain. So we headed out to pick up last minute supplies for Easter weekend which is only ten days away. This helped us to get in some mall walking and to get the blood pumping.
Once we got back I continued working on the data entries that have plague me for so long and I'm happy to say I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. However when I signed on to our blog today it looked like a handful of wooden blocks that someone had thrown around a room. I had a problem that I had worked on straightening up and I started thinking that I had made a mess of things. My solution was to go back to the design then back to the blog. It was like someone had waved a magic wand and everything was back in order. I pinched myself to be certain I hadn't been dreaming. This is the type of things that give me nightmares because I'm not that computer savy.

After supper and watching the news Kathy watched her favourite mystery series while I started catching up on blogs we follow. I also took note that Summer arrives in 83 days which means Kathy and I are only 66 days from our first trip on the road. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time. 


You might be a Redneck if

You've made animal noises

during a beauty pagent.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Simple Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

After a mediocre night's sleep we stumbled through the morning. The sun was shining and the temperature inviting. We actually had the balcony door open before 10:00 this morning.

Erin from Two To Travel's Phaeton Journeys was kind enough to research how I could resolve one of the problems that I continued with Blogger before yesterday's post. Unfortunately the quick fix setting that the site suggested didn't work and after attempting the longer fix it still didn't work out. After working almost 3 hours on that problem I just figure the problem is not severe enough that I can still function with it.

After lunch I continued working on my data entries while Kathy finally needed a break from her travel research and needed a quick recharge in the recliner.

This being Wednesday night we headed out to Kevin and Melissa's for our weekly visit. After we arrived Kathy was visiting with Melissa while Kevin and I worked on a quick project for the trailer in the garage. Once that was complete we loaded the Battery Racks for the trailer, my step ladder and the drawers in the truck. Now I'll be able to install these pieces into the trailer without having to haul the trailer out to Amherstburg to work on it.

This turned out to be a simple day around here but we still managed to get plenty done which is helping us be ready for our first trip on the road in 67 days which is before the start of Summer in 84 days. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Another Cool Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Last night the temperature dipped well below the freezing mark leaving many farmers and landscaping companies wondering how much damage should they expect to the plants that were beginning to bloom from the warm weather this area had last week. Not trying to be a spoil sport even though Kathy and I both love the flowers but we have enjoyed the last couple of cool nights as we slept like logs. We are finally catching up on our lost sleep.

After breakfast and reading comments from Donna K. from Travels in Therapy and Erin from Two To Travel's Phaeton Journeys I attemped to resolve the problems we were having with our post. Both had written about old and new Blogger Interface.

Still being new to blogger I had heard terms before referring to Interface but not knowing exactly what it was. I also knew that I had not made intentional changes to our blog that should have made this change. I searched throughout the dashboard and anything that would say the word Interface with no luck. Finally about to go to an on-line tutorial I noted a small rectangular box to the right of the screen that had a design on it that resembled a gear on but no words.When I click on it a short menu appeared asking if I wanted to return to the Older Version Interface? I sure didn't answer no! One click and most of my nightmares on Blogger have disappeared. The only thing still missing are the editing shortcuts but I can survive without them.

Sorry I may be old fashioned by that New Interface did nothing but complicate something I was just getting used to. Now there is a link next to our sign-in that was not there before Asking ??? Try the updated Blogger Interface. After the problems I just had with it, NOT!

On the Good news side Tom and Marcie from ROAMING FREE 2010 finally sold their home so now they can realize their dream of fulltiming. Also Nan's husband John from Confessions of the RV Loving Fiber Artist is still in Intensive Care but was diagnosed as having Pneumonia. The doctors are saying at this time he will make a full recovery. John was working so hard to get their home on the market that he ran himself down and finally colapsed. Here again is wishing them both the best.

We picked up a few more groceries today which helped us get some exercise as well. I'm certain I'll start exercising more tomorrow since the temperatures will be back to normal. After I pick up the racks I made at our son's tomorrow evening I'll be starting to work on the trailer again. We are now down to only 85 days before the start of Summer and only 68 days until Kathy and I are on the road again. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

Your truck permanently has

"wash me"

writen in the dust on the tailgate.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Last night the temperature dipped below the freezing mark and even though it rebounded it never made it up
to the normal high for the day at this time of year. All that was according to the weather channel report with even colder temps predicted for tonight making it feel more like winter than spring. The strange thing is that Kathy and I had more restfull sleeps last night and didn't spend the rest of the day feeling as if we hadn't slept.

Today we did something we haven't done in ages. We watched two different television programs together. One before lunch and one after supper and it felt good. After doing this post tonight I'll be playing catch-up.

After lunch we left to run a few errands. One stop took us to Home Depot to pick up longer screws for the drawer pulls for my trailer modifications. Then we headed over to the Devonshire Mall to browse, walk around and people watch. Kathy had been cleaning her closet of clothes that she no longer wore so she had to look for a few new tops. With only three new tops purchased today and the clothes she kept in her closet she now can create at least a dozen different outfits.

A comment was sent to me from Siobhan who asked for a reply but you didn't give me any contact information so I am hoping that using the Reply mode from my E-mail box did the trick and will help you out. I'm also curious how many more people are experiencing problems with blogger since they changed their format the other day. I have had two comments appear in my E-mail box and only one showed up in the comments for moderation. If you want to do changes to the design of the post I have had to go to view blog and then back to design. Also if you needed to edit a post there used to be the little pencil to make edits. Now you must go back through the design to do so. Lastly if I wanted to change something else on the post such as after I post this blog I still have to view the blog before going back to make the other changes. What was wrong with the system that worked? From some of the other posts and comments that I've read I'm not alone.

Actual Bumper Sticker I Photographed
As I said in an earlier paragraph it's supposed to be winterlike cold tonight now that it's Spring. That's what we get for being spoiled last week with the summerlike temperatures while it was still Winter. At least it's only 86 days until the actual start of Summer and only 69 days before Kathy and I are on the road again. Be Safe and Enjoy! This little flower looked sad and was all bent out of shape waiting for the frost & cold.

It's about time.


Three mice are being chased by a cat.

The mice were cornered when one of  the mice

turned around and barked, "WOOF WOOF WOOF!"

The surprised cat ran away scared.

Later when the mice told their mother what happened,

she smiled and said, "You see, it pays to be Bilingual!”

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Few Accomplishments Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

I have said many times in past posts that Kathy and I never seem to have trouble sleeping when we're away and sleeping in our trailer. The way we slept last night you could tell we didn't sleep in the trailer. Even with the bedroom window slightly ajar letting the mild night air refresh the room it didn't fool our bodies into the deep sleep that we needed. We both tossed and turned the night away only dozing on and off. After laying awake for nearly two hours at 7:00 I got up to watch the weather after making the morning coffee. Kathy sensing I was not in bed tossed for another hour before joining me.

After breakfast we got caught up with E-mails and blogs. I have continued with my data entries that will come to a halt while we are on the road but will be very useful.

The morning seemed to fly by and shortly after lunch we went over to our daughters to help her move her old clothes dryer from the basement to the garage. We were supposed to do that the other day but because my back was bothering me she opted to wait until today.

Throughout the day Kathy and I have attempted to take naps unsuccessfully but continue to yawn with almost every step we take. With the summerlike temps of last two weeks tonight the temperature will be dropping below the freezing mark for the first time and remaining springlike during the day.  Even though Summer arrives in 87 days I want to rush it along because we need to be ready for when we hit the road in 70 days. We are heading for the heated pool in hopes that will help us to sleep tonight. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

You wear cowboy boots without socks.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blogger Mess

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Woke up around 7:15 this morning not because  I was rested but because my back told me to get moving. All day it has been more of an ache than a pain so that means it is improving.

I started reading blog posts this afternoon when suddenly there was a change to the Design Section of our Blog. I had finally just become at easy using this program with only minor glitches when they have changed it. We suddenly had no picture over our profile on the sidebar. I've since corrected that. When I was leaving comments today our profile picture was a black and white triangle. Blogger has also made it more difficult to edit your blog and post. Before the change you could edit the posts or the gadgets without having to go to the design section of the blog. Not Now! I recall reading Blog posts where everything got messed up like this before but this is our first experience with this and it sucks.

We would like to welcome Mike Mills From the blog Phannie and Mae as new follower to our blog. We've been following Mike and Sandy around for a while and were sure glad you were not injured by that driver going the wrong way on the highway.

Well you can definitely tell it is Spring now. The summer-like temperatures that we have experienced all week are starting to drop down to seasonal values for the next few days. That doesn't mean that we can't keep track of Summer's arrival in another 88 days. It also only leaves us 71 days to finish working on the trailer before we hit the road this year. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

STOP eating my soup!

I know who you are.

I'm watching you.

I mixed a little Oxy Powder in my soup today.

Care to find out what that is??

Try a bite.

(passive aggressive office kitchen notes,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Slow Busy Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

We were up shortly after the sun started seeping into our room. The only place we needed to go to early this morning was the grocery store for some of their specials.

Once we were back home Kathy sorted the laundry for me because my back is still sore. As I was just about to head downstairs to the laundry room our daughter Karen called. We were supposed to help her move her clothes dryer today and she asked if it would be okay that we wait until Sunday. She had a bunch of things on her list to do but she knew I was having problems with my back and didn't want to add to the problem. Thanks Karen!

While I was downstairs Kathy was busy going through the refrigerator. It seems lately that when we buy fruits and vegetables they have to be used fairly soon or they will spoil. Both Kathy and I agree that letting the food spoil only to throw it out would be the same as throwing our money away which is not good. The last three days we had been out at our son Kevin's home working on things for the trailer so the food in our fridge has just sat there unused. By the time I came up for lunch our fridge was sparkling clean with dishes containing meals for the next four days.

After lunch I put away the folded laundry while Kathy finished cooking Celery Root. Many people don't know what that is and if they saw it would say "Yuck that looks Gross." That's the words our daughter used because she had never tasted it before. So while Kathy was explaining it to her and cooking it with her back turned Karen ate nearly the whole thing. Kathy was shocked but could only laugh because now all our daughter could say was "it tasted so good I couldn't stop." She has asked if we have had any Celery Root lately only to be disappointed  when told that yes we did but just didn't tell you. It is good though.

After some reading I made more data entries and then attempted to find our Picasa Photo Album. Finally I managed to go through the album and remove about 30 pictures without affecting our posts. When I was first setting up our blog back in November I was having difficulty uploading pictures so I had as many as eight header pictures all the same. Later as I would upload pictures many would be turned and because I couldn't rotate them I would remove them but they never left the album. So even though we are not green to blogging after four and a half months we are still learning.

Kathy and I would also like to welcome a new follower to our blog Jenny Johnson. Thank You for following but we didn't see any information or blog so if that ever happens let us know so we can give you a shout out and see what your up to.

I also found a little Gizmo or Gadget for counting down our travels this year. I'm not really sure I like it because its countdown runs from midnight to midnight and seems to be days between rather than days to which is not quite the same. So I'll see whether or not we keep it keep watching.

I uploaded more pictures that Kathy took using the DSLR and continue counting 89 days to Summer and 72 days until Kathy and I are back on the road. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

at any point during your son's graduation

You yelled "Go Scooter!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Third Day is a Charm

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

With overcast skies it helped us to sleep a little later this morning but my back insisted I get up by 7:30. I fired up the computers and opened the curtains, got  the newspaper, started the coffee opened the drapes in the living and dining room and managed to catch the forecast on the weather channel. Kathy was up by 8:00 even though she had a wakeful night.

By 9:00 we were on our way back to our son's so I could finish welding the battery racks for the trailer but needed to make a few stops first. After picking up yet another submarine sandwich and the paint supplies we arrived just after 10:00.

Kevin needed to run some errands so I just started doing what needed to be done. Unfortunately someone called Murphy was looking over my shoulder and was causing the welding machine to continually pop the breaker. As long as I was tacking or using Sheet Metal Rods there was no problem but as soon as I started using Low Hydrogen Welding Rod I kept popping the breaker. All the welds I needed to make were only 2 inches in length but the longest stitch I could accomplish was only 1-1/2 inches. Therefore a two hour job turned into four hours.

Kevin arrived from his errands and immediately started cleaning and painting while I cleaned up the weld bench and floor. Once I finished with that I grabbed the second brush and we finished painting in short order. With the high humidity of the day the paint is sure to remain damp for the next few days so that will give us time to do other chores before I pick them up to install.

We arrived home shortly after 4:00 pm. and decided to go out for supper at a small restaurant called Gilligan's and had a Greek Chicken Sandwich that was delicious. It didn't help our diets and was way too much to finish but did make a good bedtime snack.

 After getting some encouraging comments about taking pictures with the DSLR Kathy tried her hand at it again today. Today was also our third Summer-like weather day this Spring but the prediction is for more seasonal temperatures for the weekend. So this means we only have 90 days until Summer actually starts and only 73 days before Kathy and I are on the road for this year. Be Safe and Enjoy!

I was just informed that I have exceeded my Picasa limit. Strange I upload all my pictures from my computer and don't have a web album that I know of. No more pictures until I get this figured out. Thanks for looking in.

It's about time.


What do you call a woodpecker that lost its beak?

A Headbanger.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting There

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

This morning we were on the road at the same time as rush hour traffic without even turning on the computers. Stopped at the sub shop again for our lunchtime sandwiches.

We arrived in Amherstburg shortly after nine. We had brought the laptop with us so Kathy could continue researching different foods for our trip this year to Wyoming. Both Kathy and Bill are Diabetic and she wants to make different dishes geared towards such but also Bill's ethnic background.

I headed out to the garage to find Kevin had already finished grinding the pieces of metal that we had cut yesterday. I explained what pieces needed drilling and went back outside to finish cutting and bevelling the rest of the metal needed for the trailer project. We completed the noisey work before the assembly work because I didn't want to bother Cameron who has very sensitive hearing. He can hear you whispering from across the room so you can imagine what noisey tools sound like to him.

First thing after lunch we finished making the new clothing drawers for the rear bedroom in the trailer to replace the media drawers. Kevin went to pick the boys up at school shortly after three while I put the wood working tools away. By the time he returned I was starting to lay things out to be tacked together for the Battery Storage Racks for the trailer. Kathy had ordered pizza for everyone for a 5:30 supper and I had everything tacked together.

The way my back was bothering me I called it a day and can finish up tomorrow. Many people would question why it's taking so long? One we travel from Tecumseh to Amherstburg each day which is twenty-five miles each way. Second this is only a garage we are working in not a shop set up for this kind of work. Three we try not to impose too much on Kevin and Melissa's family because they do have their own lives to live as well.

Shoeless Joe from Travels with John and Judy Bell  from Travels with Emma commented on yesterday's post that Kathy had taken some nice pictures of spring. She unfortunately didn't think they were good until Melissa told her at supper how good they were but unfortunately she didn't take anymore today. She promises she'll try her best tomorrow.

Kevin and Sheryl from Lovin Our Life commented about watching my back as Sheryl also knows what it's like. Thanks for the concern but I have had back problems going on 5 years now and the last two years of my carreer Chiropractors and I were becoming friends. It is something that will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

Since we started new countdowns yesterday for those of you that are interested it is 91 days until Summer but it's only 74 days until Kathy and I leave on our first road trip for this year. Be Safe and Enjoy!
Kathy took the pictures of the flowers and would like to know if anyone knows what they are?

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

Your favourite restaurant

also has a truck wash.